An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.
A curated list of my GitHub stars by stargazed
Last synced: 4 days ago
JSON representation
- XSpotify
- dataloader - performance tokenized language data-loader for Python C++ extension | catid | 12 |
- windirstat-next
- vpinball
- vapoursynth
- Hook
- ParlayANN
- RSpectra
- nanobind
- zeal
- spdlog
- fully-homomorphic-encryption
- ImHex
- morton-nd - only compile-time Morton encoding / decoding library for N dimensions. | morton-nd | 98 |
- cdc-file-transfer
- lnav
- freud
- thrust
- raybender
- modern-cmake-by-example
- tuplex
- xournalpp
- kbd-audio
- ros_face
- altWinDirStat
- datatable - dimensional tabular data structures | h2oai | 1817 |
- tinyrenderer
- or-tools
- kakoune
- xgboost
- Rack
- pygeodesic
- PX4-Autopilot
- GraphicAlgorithm
- SpaceCadetPinball
- implot
- libqalculate
- BlockTheSpot
- BespokeSynth
- workflow
- wslg
- FractalCryptGUI - platform deniable encryption cryptoarchiver | zorggomat | 394 |
- nethogs
- LeetCode-Solutions
- 50YearsOfRayTracing
- Proton
- OpenHD
- Design-Patterns-in-Cpp17
- Effective-Modern-Cpp
- Cpp-Concurrency-in-Action-2ed
- Cpp-Templates-2ed
- genn - enhanced Neuronal Network simulation environment based on code generation for Nvidia CUDA. | genn-team | 233 |
- flashlight
- slurm_showq
- khiva - source library of algorithms to analyse time series in GPU and CPU. | shapelets | 228 |
- 1earn
- win3wm
- evoplex - based models and multi-agent systems on networks. It's available for Windows, Linux and macOS. | evoplex | 133 |
- treesheets
- Marlin
- DGtal - team | 370 |
- cutlass
- DearPyGui
- annoy
- gtn - state transducers. | facebookresearch | 453 |
- libcudacxx
- ad-handbook - carpenter | 145 |
- Relativty
- simdjson
- fhe-toolkit-linux - Preserving key-value search. | IBM | 1437 |
- qulacs
- entt - a fast and reliable entity component system (ECS) and much more | skypjack | 10189 |
- CPP_Optimizations_Diary
- ot_estimators
- CPlusPlusThings - City | 39360 |
- EternalTerminal - Connectable secure remote shell | MisterTea | 3018 |
- graph-learn
- bohrium
- darwin
- gudhi-devel
- cmder
- Z0FCourse_ReverseEngineering
- vowpal_wabbit
- faiss
- glChAoS.P - up to 256 Million particles in RealTime | BrutPitt | 803 |
- LeetCode
- PJON - compatible, multi-master, multi-media network protocol. | gioblu | 2729 |
- h5cpp - library | ess-dmsc | 118 |
- QuEST - accelerated simulator of quantum computers | QuEST-Kit | 394 |
- ZeroTierOne
- ihmehimmeli
- graphvite - performance Graph Embedding System | DeepGraphLearning | 1225 |
- Algo_Ds_Notes
- fmt
- opentx
- terminal
- OTTO - engine synth and effects - in a box! [WIP] | bitfieldaudio | 2631 |
- inspexel
- Gamegirl
- NumCpp
- dionysus
- avida
- z3
- box-convolutions
- newconformist
- lean3
- Learning-OpenCV-3_examples
- infomap - level network clustering based on the Map Equation | mapequation | 433 |
- sqlitebrowser
- two
- aseprite
- openpose - time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation | CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab | 31159 |
- sonic-pi - pi-net | 10809 |
- jack2
- algorithms
- cosmos
- tensorflow
- fooling - AI-Lab | 172 |
- deepmath
- tinyflow
- butteraugli
- mactype
- leetcode
- goldendict - rich dictionary lookup program, supporting multiple dictionary formats (StarDict/Babylon/Lingvo/Dictd) and online dictionaries, featuring perfect article rendering with the complete markup, illustrations and other content retained, and allowing you to type in words without any accents or correct case. | goldendict | 5956 |
- symforce - org | 1430 |
- PyGenStability - research-group | 33 |
- HighFive - Header-only C++ HDF5 interface | BlueBrain | 685 |
- cmake-project-template - starting a C/C++ project that can build libraries, binaries and have a working unit test suite. It uses CMake build system and is deliberately completely minimal. | kigster | 889 |
- mach2 - tool | riverar | 1097 |
- jetson-inference - learning inference networks and deep vision primitives with TensorRT and NVIDIA Jetson. | dusty-nv | 7827 |
- CppTemplateTutorial - Programming融会贯通。(正在施工中) | wuye9036 | 9599 |
- bnm_cuda
- rr - debugger | 9167 |
- point-cloud-utils - to-use Python library for processing and manipulating 3D point clouds and meshes. | fwilliams | 1331 |
- spectra - only C++ library for large scale eigenvalue problems | yixuan | 748 |
- NGT - dimensional Data | yahoojapan | 1253 |
- Hypersomnia - down shooter made from scratch in C++. Play in your Browser! Made in 🇵🇱 | TeamHypersomnia | 1157 |
- codon - performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler using LLVM | exaloop | 15115 |
- tensorstore - dimensional arrays. | google | 1350 |
- polybar - to-use status bar | polybar | 14175 |
- pyg-lib - Level Graph Neural Network Operators for PyG | pyg-team | 169 |
- mosh - shell | 12655 |
- dwarfs - only file system for Linux, Windows and macOS | mhx | 2154 |
- projectm - Cross-platform Music Visualization Library. Open-source and Milkdrop-compatible. | projectM-visualizer | 3362 |
- RawTherapee - platform raw photo processing program | Beep6581 | 2870 |
- taskflow - purpose Task-parallel Programming System using Modern C++ | taskflow | 10191 |
- arrow - language toolbox for fast data interchange and in-memory analytics | apache | 14512 |
- course - 课件 | parallel101 | 3733 |
- PyMeshLab - isti-vclab | 784 |
- MatX - like syntax | NVIDIA | 1211 |
- inviwo - Interactive Visualization Workshop | inviwo | 449 |
- DesignPattern - 23种指针的用法(a full DesignPattern implement with c++11) | jaredtao | 939 |
- s3fs-fuse - based file system backed by Amazon S3 | s3fs-fuse | 8631 |
- triton - lang | 13271 |
- hdrview - oriented image viewer with an emphasis on examining and comparing high-dynamic range (HDR) images, and including minimalistic editing and tonemapping capabilities. | wkjarosz | 292 |
- The-Powder-Toy - Powder-Toy | 4594 |
- DistroAV - NDI): NDI integration for OBS Studio | DistroAV | 3258 |
- OpenRCT2 - implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 🎢 | OpenRCT2 | 13450 |
- networkit - source toolkit for large-scale network analysis. | networkit | 769 |
- trojan - gfw | 18919 |
- taskwarrior - Command line Task Management | GothenburgBitFactory | 4411 |
- cvxpy - embedded modeling language for convex optimization problems. | cvxpy | 5437 |
- snap - stanford | 2190 |
- DALI - accelerated library containing highly optimized building blocks and an execution engine for data processing to accelerate deep learning training and inference applications. | NVIDIA | 5129 |
- open_spiel - deepmind | 4243 |
- Teach-Repeat-Replan - Repeat-Replan: A Complete and Robust System for Aggressive Flight in Complex Environments | HKUST-Aerial-Robotics | 952 |
- GuiLite - only GUI library(4 KLOC) for all platforms | idea4good | 7385 |
- taichi - dev | 25502 |
- 3d-game-shaders-for-beginners - by-step guide to implementing SSAO, depth of field, lighting, normal mapping, and more for your 3D game. | lettier | 17887 |
- folly - source C++ library developed and used at Facebook. | facebook | 28367 |
- xtensor - stack | 3352 |
- GAAS - source program designed for fully autonomous VTOL(a.k.a flying cars) and drones. GAAS stands for Generalized Autonomy Aviation System. | generalized-intelligence | 1930 |
- ttk - Topological Data Analysis and Visualization - Source Code | topology-tool-kit | 418 |
- UDPspeeder - latency Lossy Link by using Forward Error Correction, possible for All Traffics(TCP/UDP/ICMP) | wangyu- | 4730 |
- shadowsocks-qt5 - platform shadowsocks GUI client | shadowsocks | 7977 |
- enoki - renderer | 1255 |
- fcpw - sawhney | 294 |
- synergy
- tracy
- OpenCat - style four-legged robots that are perfect for STEM, coding & robotics education, IoT robotics applications, AI-enhanced robotics application services, research, and DIY robotics kit development. | PetoiCamp | 3574 |
- perspective - suited for large and/or streaming datasets. | finos | 8439 |
- lab2d - based AI research | google-deepmind | 422 |
- typesense - to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch ⚡ 🔍 ✨ Fast, typo tolerant, in-memory fuzzy Search Engine for building delightful search experiences | typesense | 21019 |
- TensorRT - performance deep learning inference on NVIDIA GPUs. This repository contains the open source components of TensorRT. | NVIDIA | 10744 |
- BetterNCM - microblock | 7248 |
- deskflow
- abseil-cpp
- duckdb - process SQL database management system | duckdb | 23932 |
- ugrep - friendly, compatible grep. Includes a TUI, Google-like Boolean search with AND/OR/NOT, fuzzy search, hexdumps, searches (nested) archives (zip, 7z, tar, pax, cpio), compressed files (gz, Z, bz2, lzma, xz, lz4, zstd, brotli), pdfs, docs, and more | Genivia | 2640 |
- CARLsim6 - to-use, GPU-accelerated software framework for simulating large-scale spiking neural network (SNN) models with a high degree of biological detail. | UCI-CARL | 42 |
- thread-pool - to-use C++17 thread pool library | bshoshany | 2186 |
- HElib - source software library that implements homomorphic encryption. It supports the BGV scheme with bootstrapping and the Approximate Number CKKS scheme. HElib also includes optimizations for efficient homomorphic evaluation, focusing on effective use of ciphertext packing techniques and on the Gentry-Halevi-Smart optimizations. | homenc | 3149 |
- vnote - taking platform in native C++. | vnotex | 11837 |
- modern-cpp-tutorial - cpp/ | changkun | 24061 |
- tinyfecVPN - in Forward Error Correction(FEC) Support. Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link. | wangyu- | 2337 |
- awesome-css-frameworks
- FlowmapBlue
- SmoothWAN
- ct
- personal-management-system
- AwesomePerfCpp
- dlmonitor
- typora-misty-theme
- css-animation-101
- Practical-Cryptography-for-Developers-Book
- aRrgh
- calver - to resource for Calendar Versioning info. | mahmoud | 500 |
- ProgrammingFonts
- hangzhou_house_knowledge
- Infosec_Reference - 2/Infosec_Reference for non-MS Git hosted version. | rmusser01 | 5569 |
- 0.30000000000000004
- nerd-fonts
- instagram.css - Complete set of Instagram filters in pure CSS | picturepan2 | 4015 |
- dist-prog-book
- AlgoWiki
- HyperApp-Guide
- pySecurity
- thejsway
- plt
- spicetify-themes - driven collection of themes for customizing Spotify through Spicetify - | spicetify | 5061 |
- bearblog - nonsense, super fast blogging. | HermanMartinus | 2699 |
- CppCoreGuidelines - and-true guidelines, rules, and best practices about coding in C++ | isocpp | 42768 |
- github-trending
- cortile
- slackdump
- sliver
- speedbump
- walk
- probe-cli
- gost - a simple tunnel written in golang | ginuerzh | 15969 |
- gost - a simple tunnel written in golang | go-gost | 4238 |
- hysteria
- Xray-core - core, with XTLS support. Fully compatible configuration. | XTLS | 25296 |
- txqr
- cloudflared
- memos - source, lightweight note-taking solution. The pain-less way to create your meaningful notes. Your Notes, Your Way. | usememos | 33240 |
- sampler
- git-sizer
- katana - generation crawling and spidering framework. | projectdiscovery | 11190 |
- vhs
- alist - org | 42792 |
- lipgloss
- charm
- gum
- kscan
- sake
- s5cmd
- transfer
- glow
- direnv
- hakrawler
- bubbletea
- portmaster - ❌ Block Mass Surveillance | safing | 9346 |
- fq - tool, language and decoders for working with binary and text formats | wader | 9765 |
- ChineseSubFinder
- lazygit
- micro - based text editor | zyedidia | 25158 |
- toxiproxy
- Cloudreve - hosted file management and sharing system, supports multiple storage providers) | cloudreve | 21861 |
- act
- nebula
- minikube
- chezmoi
- gdu
- up
- dolt
- server
- hnrss
- algorithm-pattern
- streamhut
- trufflehog
- upspin
- lux
- traefik-forward-auth
- authelia - On Multi-Factor portal for web apps | authelia | 21600 |
- caire
- slim
- traefik
- restic
- perkeep
- rbgg
- hostyoself
- lazydocker
- pydockenv
- tile38 - time Geospatial and Geofencing | tidwall | 9141 |
- docker_practice
- dive
- gophish - Source Phishing Toolkit | gophish | 11539 |
- illustrated-tls12
- gitrob
- wtf
- killcord
- v2ray-core
- riot - ego | 6109 |
- Wox - platform launcher that simply works | Wox-launcher | 24503 |
- cow
- rclone - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob, Azure Files, Yandex Files | rclone | 47004 |
- zrok - scale, next-generation peer-to-peer sharing platform built on top of OpenZiti. | openziti | 2648 |
- mutagen - io | 3440 |
- alist
- oh-my-posh - latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer | JanDeDobbeleer | 17295 |
- devbox - com | 8633 |
- soft-serve - hostable Git server for the command line🍦 | charmbracelet | 5337 |
- dasel
- determined - source machine learning platform that simplifies distributed training, hyperparameter tuning, experiment tracking, and resource management. Works with PyTorch and TensorFlow. | determined-ai | 3033 |
- eget
- nos - time dynamic partitioning and elastic quotas - Effortless optimization at its finest! | nebuly-ai | 627 |
- mediamtx - to-use SRT / WebRTC / RTSP / RTMP / LL-HLS media server and media proxy that allows to read, publish, proxy, record and playback video and audio streams. | bluenviron | 12208 |
- numscript
- sftpgo - featured and highly configurable SFTP, HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV server - S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob | drakkan | 9361 |
- miller - indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON | johnkerl | 8947 |
- berty - to-peer messaging app that works with or without internet access, cellular data or trust in the network | berty | 7614 |
- imaginary - ready HTTP microservice for high-level image processing | h2non | 5570 |
- moby - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems | moby | 68700 |
- age - style composability. | FiloSottile | 17253 |
- photoprism - Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web 🌈💎✨ | photoprism | 35280 |
- letsblockit - quality content and useless nags, focus on what matters. A community-maintained uBlock Origin filter set. | letsblockit | 788 |
- aws-nuke - de | 5762 |
- headscale - hosted implementation of the Tailscale control server | juanfont | 23151 |
- goofys - performance, POSIX-ish Amazon S3 file system written in Go | kahing | 5200 |
- pcp - to-peer data transfer tool based on libp2p. | dennis-tra | 1068 |
- fzf - line fuzzy finder | junegunn | 65231 |
- gotenberg - friendly API for converting numerous document formats into PDF files, and more! | gotenberg | 7966 |
- cheat - line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not frequently enough to remember. | cheat | 12380 |
- kcptun - Safe Secure Tunnel based on QPP, KCP, FEC, and N:M multiplexing. | xtaci | 13912 |
- free-for-dev
- mcmc_visualization_tools
- mcmc_diagnostics
- resouRces
- ascii-silhouettify
- brain_connectome_power_tool
- scuttlebutt-protocol-guide
- sql-tutorial
- GAMM-Tutorial - larsen | 5 |
- foss_photo_libraries
- distribution-explorer
- writeups
- conditional_independence - parametric conditional independence testing. | uhlerlab | 10 |
- wisdom
- nestedLogit
- openai_tools - language models like ChatGPT. | AllenInstitute | 112 |
- watchme
- BigBookofR
- SecCertRoadmapHTML
- ebook-to-print-book
- awesome-chatgpt-prompts
- smiley-sans - anchor | 13098 |
- YouMightNotNeedJS
- Statistical_Rethinking_with_brms_ggplot2_and_the_tidyverse_2_ed
- daguguguji
- MAsync
- applied-methods-phd
- UKB - department-of-psychiatry | 32 |
- spatiotemp_dev_plasticity
- pysurvival
- psych252slides
- awesome-earthobservation-code
- craftinginterpreters
- shan-shui-inf - | 5516 |
- flash-linux0.11-talk
- herbie - point expressions for accuracy | herbie-fp | 767 |
- NouBan-js - censorship project aiming to record censored words in Douban, a Chinese social network platform. It is merely a glimpse of the situation in Chinese 'Innernet'. | drrouen | 88 |
- hackathon2021
- IntroToJulia
- papis - line based document and bibliography manager. | papis | 1411 |
- what-if-tool - If Tool | PAIR-code | 911 |
- Server
- tufte-css
- gh-pages-url-shortener
- neatcss
- tidytuesday
- snakemake
- Neuroimaging_Pattern_Masks - analysis masks for neuroimaging data analysis. | canlab | 108 |
- depthai-hardware
- al-folio
- CNN-Architectures - Learning-Tokyo | 503 |
- awesome-piracy
- krabby
- trending_arxiv
- tests-as-linear
- brainiak-tutorials
- deep-learning-drizzle
- fMRI_bootcamp2019 - shearrer | 6 |
- bash-lingua-non-grata
- nullboard
- GBM-perf
- presentations
- rdkit
- sovereign
- dataviz
- referendum_report
- iwanthue
- deep-rules - Lee | 227 |
- papers-I-read - Paper-A-Week | shagunsodhani | 943 |
- guide-to-the-douban
- book-notes
- learn-python3 - git | 6440 |
- the-power-of-prolog
- requests-for-research
- conversational-form - community | 3795 |
- minimal-mistakes
- aima-exercises
- ideabook
- growth-ebook
- serverless - Serverless Architecture Application Development Guide with Serverless Framework. | phodal | 1752 |
- - build | 389 |
- stargazer - calculus terms | bordaigorl | 40 |
- design-blocks
- awesome-quantum-machine-learning
- deep-review
- material-resume
- JavaScript30
- aui
- computational-philosophy-workshop
- fastText
- You-Dont-Need-JavaScript - dont-need | 19183 |
- startbootstrap
- Raphtory
- modern-font-stacks - fonts | 2768 |
- windmill - source developer platform to power your entire infra and turn scripts into webhooks, workflows and UIs. Fastest workflow engine (13x vs Airflow). Open-source alternative to Retool and Temporal. | windmill-labs | 10098 |
- fmriprep - to-use pipeline for preprocessing of diverse fMRI data. The transparent workflow dispenses of manual intervention, thereby ensuring the reproducibility of the results. | nipreps | 636 |
- - tutorial | 23568 |
- awesome-mlss - mlss | 2653 |
- MediationToolbox - level and multi-level mediation analyses for any kind of data, with bootstrap-based significance testing. Neuroimaging-oriented functions allow for mediation effect parametric mapping (mapping of mediation effects across the brain) and multivariate mediation. | canlab | 82 |
- js-the-right-way - to-read, quick reference for JS best practices, accepted coding standards, and links around the Web | jstherightway | 8734 |
- DiD
- climate-visuals - hawkins | 154 |
- markwhen - like text. Supports simple American/European date styles, ISO8601, images, links, locations, and more. | mark-when | 3571 |
- qubiter - year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.” | artiste-qb-net | 121 |
- noc-book-2 - of-code | 1140 |
- unstructured - IO | 8987 |
- UCAS_Course_2019 - 2020课程(秋季,春季,夏季) | HuangCongQing | 1207 |
- Modern-CPP-Programming - busato | 11996 |
- life - a timeline of important events in my life | cheeaun | 2779 |
- hacker-news-pwas - Hacker News readers as Progressive Web Apps 📱 | tastejs | 2379 |
- DeepLearningProject - depth machine learning tutorial introducing readers to a whole machine learning pipeline from scratch. | Spandan-Madan | 4756 |
- awesome-haskell
- xdg-ninja
- unison
- dex-lang - research | 1583 |
- monad-challenges
- shellcheck
- hakyll
- - experiments, black-markets, philosophy, etc | gjord | 32 |
- incredible
- bulletproofs - interactive zero-knowledge proofs that require no trusted setup | sdiehl | 535 |
- pandoc
- write-you-a-haskell
- wiwinwlh
- Functional-Programming
- awesome-open-science
- haskell-ide-engine - integration. Not an IDE | haskell | 2383 |
- xmonad - compliant tiling window manager | xmonad | 3361 |
- haskell-language-server - ide-engine. | haskell | 2711 |
- awesome-vscode
- awesome-ctf
- 30-seconds-of-code
- Mind-Expanding-Books
- language-evolution-simulation - based Models | fatiherikli | 490 |
- cockpit - based graphical interface for servers. | cockpit-project | 11214 |
- bettercap - bus, IPv4 and IPv6 networks reconnaissance and MITM attacks. | bettercap | 16702 |
- wiki-journey
- canvas-confetti
- webtag
- pikachu-volleyball
- chatgpt-source-watch
- h5ai
- uptime-kuma - hosted monitoring tool | louislam | 58402 |
- google-earth-as-gltf
- shader-park-core - time 2D and 3D shaders. JS -> Shader. | shader-park | 755 |
- multipleWindow3dScene
- uPlot
- survis - beck | 174 |
- Surfingkeys
- learnGitBranching
- elevatorsaga
- buster
- custom-scripts - hub | 659 |
- sha256algorithm
- Parsr - group | 5808 |
- zx
- aboutconfig-menu
- uncolorblind
- yjs
- Meta-Meta-Resources - | Meta-Meta-Resources | 20 |
- regl-gpu-lines - projected lines for regl | rreusser | 176 |
- digital-gardeners
- browser-fingerprinting - bot system 👻 and get around browser fingerprinting scripts 🕵️♂️ when scraping the web? | niespodd | 4125 |
- action-tmate
- Hypergraph-Vis
- vimium
- monocle
- color-naming-in-different-languages
- muboard - rendering and distributable mathematics chalkboards | susam | 564 |
- metrics
- dezoomify
- niQC
- MDsveX
- - and-drop editor to easily build READMEs | octokatherine | 4234 |
- treestyletab
- Tree-Style-History
- Side-Auto_Sci-Hub - Browser Plugin to open Sci-Hub 🗝 page with the article from your current tab | RoiArthurB | 244 |
- OpenScan
- social-analyzer
- openmct
- Lepton
- simple-peer
- lucerne
- polyx
- quiver
- bypass-paywalls-chrome
- headless-recorder
- Ghost
- GiraffeTools
- Awesome-Profile-README-templates
- refined-hacker-news
- ScholarWithCode
- vscode-rainbow-fart
- Sarasa-Gothic
- Iosevka
- osmtogeojson
- Quirk - and-drop quantum circuit simulator that runs in your browser. A toy for exploring and understanding small quantum circuits. | Strilanc | 933 |
- 1on1-questions
- profane-words
- magnetW
- gun
- iptv - org | 86007 |
- probmods2
- 42
- quantum-circuit
- stargazed
- lime
- opendatacam
- magicbook
- netron
- shader-school
- argdown
- laverna
- Sozi - projects | 1586 |
- impress.js
- mermaid-live-editor - js/mermaid-live-editor | mermaidjs | 981 |
- trilium
- anti-paywall
- d3graphTheory
- vega
- DeepLearning-500-questions
- trix
- apachecn-algo-zh
- webui-aria2
- warriorjs
- docsify
- docute
- gitbook-cli
- gitbook-plugin-anchor-navigation-ex
- machine_learning_and_neuroscience
- mostly-adequate-guide
- javascript
- KaTeX
- tellform
- blockchain
- dom-i18n
- stacks-cli
- inclusive-design-checklist
- SessionSync
- bottery
- fluxday - friendly, free & opensource task & productivity management tool for growing startups | foradian | 476 |
- Rythm.js
- online-markdown
- project-guidelines
- wtfjs
- front-end-guide
- pell
- awesome-guidelines
- gamblers-dice
- toc
- jquery.tocify.js
- bootstrap-toc
- Orbit-Theme
- listen1_chrome_extension
- particles.js
- Winds
- flv.js
- itsy-bitsy-data-structures
- fantasy-land
- GitXiv - Collaborative Open Computer Science. | samim23 | 266 |
- the-super-tiny-compiler
- node-lessons
- WebFundamentals
- HackMyResume
- algorithm-visualizer - visualizer | 46725 |
- bootstrap
- materialize
- reveal.js
- neural-network-papers
- Font-Awesome
- 500lines
- pycortex - based toolkit for surface visualization of fMRI data | gallantlab | 586 |
- rats-search - platform search engine for Desktop and Web servers with integrated torrent client. | DEgITx | 1601 |
- htmx - high power tools for HTML | bigskysoftware | 38198 |
- quarto-cli - source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc. | quarto-dev | 3910 |
- noisecraft - based visual programming language and platform for sound synthesis. | maximecb | 1064 |
- GreenTunnel - censorship utility designed to bypass the DPI system that is put in place by various ISPs to block access to certain websites. | SadeghHayeri | 4371 |
- js-stack-from-scratch - by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack. | verekia | 20060 |
- anything-llm - in-one Desktop & Docker AI application with built-in RAG, AI agents, and more. | Mintplex-Labs | 25491 |
- dat - to-peer sharing & live syncronization of files via command line | dat-ecosystem | 8243 |
- taskbook - line habitat | klaudiosinani | 8975 |
- carbon - app | 34580 |
- web-archives
- mathbox - quality WebGL math graphing | unconed | 1332 |
- gp-demo - feng | 52 |
- mcmc-demo - chain Monte Carlo Javascript demos | chi-feng | 795 |
- Motrix - featured download manager. | agalwood | 45566 |
- CUDATutorial - learning tutorail for CUDA High Performance Programing. | PaddleJitLab | 234 |
- untrusted - JavaScript adventure game by Alex Nisnevich and Greg Shuflin. | AlexNisnevich | 4588 |
- podgrab - hosted podcast manager/downloader/archiver tool to download podcast episodes as soon as they become live with an integrated player. | akhilrex | 1648 |
- foliate - books in style | johnfactotum | 6349 |
- user.js - tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening | arkenfox | 10187 |
- Noi - Explore, Extend, Empower. | lencx | 6457 |
- cli - line tool to customize Spotify client. Supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux. | spicetify | 18566 |
- binance-trading-bot - Trade multiple cryptocurrencies. Buy low/sell high with Grid Trading. Integrated with TradingView technical analysis | chrisleekr | 5036 |
- CyberChef - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis | gchq | 29102 |
- codimd - Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms. | hackmdio | 9301 |
- zotero-scholar-citations - fetching numbers of citations from Google Scholar | MaxKuehn | 265 |
- codecrumbs - language support and more. | Bogdan-Lyashenko | 2712 |
- reminiscence - Hosted Bookmark And Archive Manager | kanishka-linux | 1772 |
- livepython - time. | agermanidis | 2552 |
- BoostNote-Legacy - time collaborative writing. | BoostIO | 17065 |
- feather - source icons | feathericons | 24987 |
- ZeroNet - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network | HelloZeroNet | 18367 |
- awesome-youtubers
- lambda-the-terraform-way
- fucking-algorithm
- tldr - pages | 51072 |
- linux-command
- build-your-own-x - io | 306519 |
- SS-SSR-V2ray
- awesome-docker
- Awesome-Bioinformatics
- awesome-codepoints
- awesome-hyper
- awesome-desktop-js
- awesome-python-data-science
- awesome-actions
- awesome-javascript-learning
- awesome-AutoHotkey
- awesome-quantum-computing
- awesome-research
- awesome-falsehood
- awesome-linux
- awesome-neuroscience
- awesome-talks
- awesome-algorithms
- awesome-computer-vision
- awesome-electronics
- awesome-OpenSourcePhotography
- awesome-deep-learning
- how_to_create_a_protein
- LLM101n
- awesome-information-geometry
- hoeffdings_d_explainer
- awesome-cloudflare
- awesome-open-geoscience
- Brain-and-Cognition-Papers-with-Code
- Awesome-Geospatial
- gpt-stats
- TheArtofHPC_pdfs
- rot
- chatgpt-prompts-for-academic-writing
- GPTs
- Awesome-GPT-Agents
- multiversity
- Plangothic-Project - Porthmouth-Koenigsegg | 425 |
- awesome-optimization
- DreamBerd
- fmriprep_qa_guide - comppsych | 22 |
- system-design-101
- awesome-iiif - related resources | IIIF | 483 |
- ukbiobank-resources
- ML-Papers-Explained - ai | 7293 |
- linux-network-performance-parameters
- awesome-ai-brain-computer-interface - read papers on machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning and other learning methods for brain-computer interfaces. | atonkamanda | 73 |
- nevermind - new font designed by Xmind | xmindltd | 165 |
- zkp_tech
- intel-one-mono
- ziglings
- tuning_playbook_zh_cn
- probe
- awesome-sysadmin - source sysadmin resources. | awesome-foss | 25287 |
- specialized-toolboxes - ugent | 6 |
- awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh
- academics-on-mastodon
- ggplot_adventcalendaR - day advent calendaR providing an introduction to ggplot2! | kiirsti | 52 |
- annotated_research_papers
- NeuroAI - UW seminar, a regular weekly seminar for the UW community, organized by NeuroAI Shlizerman Lab. | shlizee | 51 |
- awesome-preclinical-diffusion-mri - MRI | 15 |
- SimpleTidy_GeneCoEx - expression analyses workflow powered by tidyverse and graph analyses | cxli233 | 185 |
- Diffusion-Models-Papers-Survey-Taxonomy
- English-Writing
- awesome-neural-geometry
- traefik-examples - compose configurations examples for traefik | frigi83 | 313 |
- awesome-self-supervised-learning-for-graphs - supervised learning for graphs. | SXKDZ | 373 |
- exploring-AI-optimization - ai | 112 |
- Functional-Programming-For-The-Rest-of-Us-Cn
- null_models_net_neurosci
- ABCDresources
- Neuroscience_Podcasts
- Transformers-Recipe - ai | 1537 |
- awesome-flipperzero
- backdoor-learning-resources
- riddikulus-shanghai-2022 - r-riddikulus | 287 |
- Reviews_Reading_Group
- awesome-immigration - term visas | AwesomeVisa | 1370 |
- Bash-Oneliner - Liners and terminal tricks for data processing and Linux system maintenance. | onceupon | 10234 |
- polyaxon
- TemporalPointProcessPapers
- awesome-graph-self-supervised-learning-based-recommendation - supervised-learning-based recommendation. | juyongjiang | 48 |
- Paper-Writing-Tips - World | 3572 |
- Zhudou-Sans
- neuromodulation_modalities
- Google-Chinese-Results-Blocklist
- Frustration-One-Year-With-R
- hctsaTutorial_BonnEEG - class Bonn EEG dataset | benfulcher | 26 |
- rob501
- mlops-platforms
- Network-segmentation-cheat-sheet
- iansui
- best_AI_papers_2021 - depth article, and code. | louisfb01 | 2900 |
- intuitive-advanced-cryptography
- PBR-White-Paper
- Awesome-Federated-Learning-on-Graph-and-GNN-papers
- awesome-graph-explainability-papers
- awesome-reservoir-computing
- top-github-users
- simple-awk
- useful-sed
- Fuzzing101 - morales | 3204 |
- cmu-10721-philosophy-machine-intelligence - lab | 260 |
- RL-Reading-Group - DEEP | 6 |
- profanity - ai | 201 |
- paper-reading
- Perspective_Julia_for_Biologists
- NormalizationSurvey
- awesome-bayesian-statistics
- online_neuroimaging_resources - Gau | 32 |
- Helpful-tips
- GNNs-in-Network-Neuroscience - 2020. | basiralab | 215 |
- Awesome-Information-Bottleneck - DEEP | 318 |
- effective-go-zh-en
- big-neuro-ideas
- Polar-Bear-Cnc-Machine
- books
- awesome-pbr
- awesome-tips
- PronouncingNamesForEnglishSpeakers - English names for English speakers | SteveMCarroll | 487 |
- Lyricify-App
- CCN_Association
- awesome-explainable-graph-reasoning
- CSSReview
- promise-fun
- ddia-references - Intensive Applications” | ept | 5930 |
- modern-unix
- Applied-Deep-Learning
- orthopy - py | 181 |
- rose-pine-matplotlib
- Python-for-Scientists
- trackerslist
- TrackersListCollection
- HCP-snippets
- awesome-contrastive-self-supervised-learning - supervised learning papers. | asheeshcric | 1221 |
- Awesome-Best-Papers
- Social-Knowledge-Graph-Papers
- dynamic-graph-papers
- looper
- awesome-jupyterlab-extension
- zine-machine - printed block printing press | gestalte-design | 178 |
- lizhi
- category-theory-resources
- leetcode-algorithm
- one-python-craftsman
- spatiotemporal_datasets
- Learn-Vim
- awesome-equivariant-network - Cai-OSU | 996 |
- data-engineer-roadmap
- best-of-jupyter - tooling | 938 |
- best-of-web-python - tooling | 2312 |
- sarcasticHN
- Projects-from-Scratch
- BayesianDeepLearning-Survey
- awesome-wsl
- Zero-to-Emacs-and-Org-roam - roam on Windows 10 | nobiot | 629 |
- collection
- awesome-image-registration - Image-Registration-Organization | 1245 |
- Machine-Learning-Session
- ABigSurvey
- applied-ml
- Big-Ass-Data-Broker-Opt-Out-List
- ml-surveys
- GNN-algorithms
- BNN-ANN-papers
- Multitask-Learning - mbs0221 | 635 |
- awesome-workflow-engines
- formal-systems-in-biology
- AdvancedML
- PyTorchTricks
- awesome-IntelliJ-IDEA
- Baidu-XunleiVIP - Share | 2752 |
- EffectivePyTorch
- cpp17_in_TTs
- introRL
- awesome-catalyst-list - team | 54 |
- research-advice-list
- SQL-exercise - DENG | 1346 |
- awesome-pipeline
- AI_Curriculum - Learning-Tokyo | 2528 |
- - paper display. | paperdink | 240 |
- ATLASstylempl
- EliteQuant
- Tips-of-Feature-engineering
- Awesome-Paper-List
- Traefik-v2-examples
- backendlore
- papers_we_read
- pytorch_tricks
- reverse-proxy-confs - swag | linuxserver | 1367 |
- DL_Topics
- awesome-multimodal-ml
- DeepRL
- The-Open-Book
- IntelliJ-IDEA-Tutorial
- HIN-Datasets-for-Recommendation-and-Network-Embedding
- Awesome-Learning-with-Label-Noise
- XAI-papers
- bypass-paywalls-firefox
- awesome-deepbio
- raymarching-workshop
- awesome-shodan-queries
- Computer-Vision-Leaderboard
- design-patterns-for-humans-cn - An ultra-simplified explanation to design patterns | guanguans | 3421 |
- CNN-Visualization
- OpenHAK_Hardware
- pyMOU - Uhlenbeck process (MOU). THE PACKAGE HAS BEEN MOVED TO | MatthieuGilson | 6 |
- DL-neuro_Papers
- brain-networks-across-the-web
- LiteratureDL4Graph
- templateflow - A DataLad super-dataset | templateflow | 72 |
- nlp-competitions-list-review
- awesome-cognitive-science-and-deep-learning
- OpenScienceRoom2019
- neurolab-hardware
- Paper-List
- ros2
- weekly - com/discussions | data-com | 65 |
- awesome-capsule-networks
- pumpkin-book
- pwc
- neuro-graph
- Representation-Learning-on-Heterogeneous-Graph - Learning-on-Heterogeneous-Graph | Jhy1993 | 435 |
- awesome-quantum-ml
- how-to-learn-robotics
- deeplearning-biology
- Awesome-pytorch-list
- dynamic-KG
- hacker-news-undocumented
- Matrix-Calculus-Tutorial
- VPS-Recommendation - Alan | 420 |
- spatio-temporal-paper-list - temporal modeling 论文列表(主要是graph convolution相关) | Eilene | 522 |
- Graph-Neural-Network-Review
- MathsDL-spring19
- DeepMind-Advanced-Deep-Learning-and-Reinforcement-Learning
- graph-based-nn
- Must-read-papers-and-continuous-tracking-on-Graph-Neural-Network-GNN-progress
- AlphaTree-graphic-deep-neural-network
- model-based-papers - based control | danfeiX | 149 |
- How-to-Grow-Neat-Software-Architecture-out-of-Jupyter-Notebooks - the right way. | guillaume-chevalier | 523 |
- awesome-deepneuroimage
- multiBrain
- daizhigev20
- Data-Competition-TopSolution
- ThreatHunting
- growing-up
- best-of-jupyter
- Graph-Reading-Group
- awesome-network-embedding
- replacing-bash-scripting-with-python
- spellbook-of-modern-webdev
- cloud-gpus
- awesome-functional-python
- entanglion
- architect-awesome
- ways-of-working
- elements-of-python-style
- greyhame-2017
- spiking-neuron-models
- awesome-ipsum
- chinese-copywriting-guidelines
- awesome-podcasts
- awesome-writing
- the-incredible-pytorch
- tensorlayer-tricks
- book
- blog
- python3_with_pleasure
- awesome-cold-showers
- microservices
- math-as-code - sheet for mathematical notation in code form | Experience-Monks | 15040 |
- CTF-pwn-tips
- pycrumbs
- awesome-python
- understanding-math
- gold-miner
- reverse-engineering
- git-flight-rules
- state-of-the-art-result-for-machine-learning-problems
- Front-End-Checklist - End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers | thedaviddias | 68951 |
- Awesome-Hacking-Resources
- open_source_team
- bettercap
- awesome-coins - currencies and their algos. | Zheaoli | 3875 |
- every-programmer-should-know
- genwan-font
- genryu-font
- genyo-font
- Amazing-Windows-Apps
- Probable-Wordlists - make sure your passwords aren't popular! | berzerk0 | 8684 |
- learn-regex
- EffectiveTensorflow
- Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit
- API-Security-Checklist
- MachineLearning
- Delving-deep-into-GANs
- tensorflow-tutorial
- design-patterns-for-humans - simplified explanation to design patterns | kamranahmedse | 45372 |
- fp-jargon-zh - programming-jargon | shfshanyue | 1282 |
- awesome-functional-programming
- Awesome-Hacking - with-Github | 84875 |
- You-Dont-Know-JS
- Become-A-Full-Stack-Web-Developer
- bash-guide
- ai-resources
- awesome_3DReconstruction_list
- Neural-Networks-on-Silicon
- keras-resources - source code repositories for working with Keras, the Python deep learning library | fchollet | 3254 |
- Public-APIs
- awesome-casestudy
- ganhacks
- awesome-bits
- stack-on-a-budget
- modern-cpp-features
- art-of-readme
- deeplearning-papernotes
- awesome-crawler
- coding-interview-university
- awesome-design
- CommAI-env - | facebookresearch | 1328 |
- functional-programming-jargon
- pointers-for-software-engineers
- frontend-guidelines
- Projects
- what-happens-when
- the-art-of-command-line
- ES6-for-humans
- marp
- awesome-dataviz
- awesome
- awesome-static-website-services
- awesome-d3
- awesome-stock-resources
- ToolsOfTheTrade
- css-protips
- awesome-courses
- speech-language-processing
- awesome-datascience
- Machine-Learning-Tutorials
- awesome-hacking
- alignment_macaque-human - species alignment (joint-embedding between human and macaque) | TingsterX | 23 |
- Resources
- awesome-webdav
- project-based-learning - based tutorials | practical-tutorials | 202848 |
- ml-visuals - ai | 13487 |
- Best_AI_paper_2020 - depth article, and code | louisfb01 | 2230 |
- wifi-cracking - Fi Routers with Airodump-ng and Aircrack-ng/Hashcat | brannondorsey | 11406 |
- cheatsheets-ai - cheat-sheets-for-machine-learning-and-deep-learning-researchers-efb6a8ebd2e5 | kailashahirwar | 15106 |
- awesome-intelligence - Source Intelligence (OSINT) Resources | ARPSyndicate | 1824 |
- xit - text file format for todos and check lists | jotaen | 1048 |
- OpenCourseCatalog - frog | 4765 |
- best-of-python - source libraries and tools. Updated weekly. | ml-tooling | 3678 |
- ml-engineer-roadmap - chris | 2115 |
- awesome-self-supervised-learning - supervised methods | jason718 | 6155 |
- single_file_libs - file C/C++ libraries. | nothings | 8961 |
- Deep-Tutorials-for-PyTorch - depth tutorials for implementing deep learning models on your own with PyTorch. | sgrvinod | 1504 |
- exercism - sourced code mentorship. Practice having thoughtful conversations about code. | exercism | 7354 |
- awesome-scientific-writing - resources | 758 |
- awesome-userscripts - scripts | 1875 |
- ostep-translations - arpacidusseau | 2721 |
- the_cyber_plumbers_handbook - The definitive guide to Secure Shell (SSH) tunneling, port redirection, and bending traffic like a boss. | opsdisk | 2579 |
- AAI-site - GA 3405.001 / DS-GA 3001.014 : Advancing AI through cognitive science | brendenlake | 131 |
- Awesome-Graph-Neural-Networks - Lab | 2211 |
- GNNPapers - read papers on graph neural networks (GNN) | thunlp | 15987 |
- the-book-of-secret-knowledge - liners, cli/web tools and more. | trimstray | 147653 |
- awesome-single-cell - curated list of software packages and data resources for single-cell, including RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, etc. | seandavi | 3201 |
- awesome-cpp - ... stuff. | fffaraz | 59678 |
- graph-adversarial-learning-literature - structured data. | safe-graph | 831 |
- open-computational-neuroscience-resources - editable collection of open computational neuroscience resources | asoplata | 559 |
- awesome-selfhosted - selfhosted | 201391 |
- SuperPrompt
- Multitask-Learning - mlsys | 643 |
- Awesome - Windows | 28665 |
- best-of-ml-python - tooling | 16468 |
- awesome-okr - Key Results) | domenicosolazzo | 1628 |
- computer-science - taught education in Computer Science! | ossu | 171980 |
- TSFpaper - Temporal Forecasting/Prediction (STF). These papers are mainly categorized according to the type of model. | ddz16 | 2003 |
- prompt-engineering - 4. | brexhq | 8421 |
- awesome-tunneling - hosting. | anderspitman | 15570 |
- nostr - resistant alternative to Twitter that has a chance of working | nostr-protocol | 10127 |
- awesome-concepts - madon | 495 |
- lowlevelprogramming-university - level programmer | gurugio | 10308 |
- PLMpapers - read Papers on pre-trained language models. | thunlp | 3323 |
- awesome-quantum-software - source quantum software projects. | qosf | 1471 |
- TheRemoteFreelancer - curated resources to find topical remote freelance & contract work for software developers, web designers, and more! | engineerapart | 7245 |
- Plangothic_Project - Porthmouth-Koenigsegg | 430 |
- awesome-graph-ood - of-distribution generalization on graphs. | THUMNLab | 154 |
- tuning_playbook - research | 27020 |
- Time-Series-Works-Conferences - Series Work Summary in CS Top Conferences (NIPS, ICML, ICLR, KDD, AAAI, WWW, IJCAI, CIKM, ICDM, ICDE, etc.) | lixus7 | 795 |
- awesome-self-supervised-learning-in-medical-imaging - Supervised-Learning in medical images computing field | SaeedShurrab | 138 |
- transformer
- Shortest-LeetCode-Python-Solutions - - 不求最快最省,但求最短最优雅,Shorter is better here. | cy69855522 | 1128 |
- awesome-javascript - side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things. | sorrycc | 33623 |
- awesome_spatial_omics
- lectures - cs-deepnlp-2017 | 15681 |
- games - ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine. | leereilly | 22870 |
- gpu-optimization-workshop - discord | 304 |
- awesome-shell - line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php. | alebcay | 33064 |
- awesome-jax - A curated list of resources | n2cholas | 1530 |
- awesome-emacs - tw | 8551 |
- MediaCreationTool.bat
- Adobe-Debloater
- APTSimulator
- LxgwWenKai - source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One. 一款开源中文字体,基于 FONTWORKS 出品字体 Klee One 衍生。 | lxgw | 17977 |
- bytehound
- wuffs
- sioyek
- unleashed-firmware
- deskhop
- SimSIMD - 512, NEON, SVE, & SVE2 📐 | ashvardanian | 956 |
- fsearch - like systems based on GTK3 | cboxdoerfer | 3324 |
- multiply_test
- how-to-optimize-gemm
- sshfs
- PSBits
- no-more-secrets
- endlessh
- progress
- ttyd
- f3 - Fight Flash Fraud | AltraMayor | 2546 |
- ExplorerPatcher
- simplewall
- yabai
- bspwm
- pngquant
- open-gpu-kernel-modules
- mtr
- unicorn - engine | 7608 |
- chibicc
- markov
- mesh
- pam-duress
- hpn-ssh - SSH based on OpenSSH | rapier1 | 327 |
- jit-tutorial
- AppleSiliconForNeuroimaging - based Apple Silicon macOS for brain imaging research | neurolabusc | 262 |
- masscan
- atop
- squashfs-tools
- flipperzero-firmware
- notcurses
- LookingGlass
- darktable - org | 9752 |
- rufus
- Ventoy
- fast-histogram
- nq
- darknet
- cosmopolitan - once run-anywhere c library | jart | 18326 |
- simde - everywhere | 2381 |
- rnnoise
- jpeg2png
- darknet - YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet ) | AlexeyAB | 21738 |
- lab - based AI research | google-deepmind | 7119 |
- simh
- c4
- seafile
- halmak
- logitech_unifier
- sshfs-win
- cnm-code
- betaflight
- os-tutorial
- nv
- touchstream
- retro
- OpenSimpleLidar
- bitwise
- InsecureProgramming
- system-bus-radio
- 30dayMakeOS
- netdata
- How-to-Make-a-Computer-Operating-System
- linux
- cubnm
- the_silver_searcher - searching tool similar to ack, but faster. | ggreer | 26167 |
- blis - like Library Instantiation Software Framework | flame | 2291 |
- japronto - fast Python 3.5+ HTTP toolkit integrated with pipelining HTTP server based on uvloop and picohttpparser. | squeaky-pl | 8611 |
- immutables - performance immutable mapping type for Python. | MagicStack | 1131 |
- shadowsocksr-native - Live | 2749 |
- grbl - code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on a straight Arduino | gnea | 4070 |
- barrier - source KVM software | debauchee | 27560 |
- entr
- the-art-of-debugging
- austin
- chsrc
- randomgen - compatible bit generators and add some random variate distributions missing from NumPy. | bashtage | 111 |
- qAverageColor
- jq - line JSON processor | jqlang | 30491 |
- ustreamer - Lightweight and fast MJPEG-HTTP streamer | pikvm | 1715 |
- raylib - to-use library to enjoy videogames programming | raysan5 | 22471 |
- bcc - Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more | iovisor | 20514 |
- CSharpRepl
- BenchmarkDotNet
- ArchiSteamFarm
- wumgr
- PSReadLine
- MarkovJunior
- SymSpell
- P - org | 3021 |
- SteamTools
- AspNetCoreDiagnosticScenarios
- wincompose
- dnGrep
- Bulk-Crap-Uninstaller
- Pepper-s-Cone-Unity
- LibgenDesktop
- PowerToys
- MathUtilities
- ShareX
- Cosmos
- ScreenToGif
- shadowsocks-windows
- roslyn
- WaveFunctionCollapse
- QuestPDF - source .NET library for PDF document generation. Offering comprehensive layout engine powered by concise and discoverable C# Fluent API. Easily generate PDF reports, invoices, exports, etc. | QuestPDF | 11936 |
- N_m3u8DL-RE - Platform, modern and powerful stream downloader for MPD/M3U8/ISM. English/简体中文/繁體中文. | nilaoda | 4572 |
- EarTrumpet - Volume Control for Windows | File-New-Project | 8976 |
- Lottie-Windows - Windows is a library (and related tools) for rendering Lottie animations on Windows 10 and Windows 11. | CommunityToolkit | 632 |
- OpenRA - time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X. | OpenRA | 14713 |
- N_m3u8DL-CLI - 128-CBC解密,多线程,自定义请求头等. 支持简体中文,繁体中文和英文. English Supported. | nilaoda | 14359 |
- learning-cmake
- ModernCppStarter - start your C++! A template for modern C++ projects using CMake, CI, code coverage, clang-format, reproducible dependency management and much more. | TheLartians | 4437 |
- dactyl-manuform
- athens - source, collaborative knowledge graph, backed by YC W21 | athensresearch | 6308 |
- FiraCode
- logseq - first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Download link: roadmap: | logseq | 32734 |
- bibviz
- mojs
- pivottable - source Javascript Pivot Table (aka Pivot Grid, Pivot Chart, Cross-Tab) implementation with drag'n'drop. | nicolaskruchten | 4356 |
Common Lisp
- cuda-repo
- zkDL - knowledge proofs of deep learning powered by CUDA | SafeAILab | 34 |
- cugraph - RAPIDS Graph Analytics Library | rapidsai | 1720 |
- GPUStreamlines
- OpenPH
- deep-painterly-harmonization
- ThunderKittens
- cuda-course
- pyslurm
- ta-lib-python - Lib ( | TA-Lib | 9679 |
Emacs Lisp
- org-modern
- emfy
- org-super-agenda
- djot
- spacemacs - driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs *and* Vim! | syl20bnr | 23692 |
- libflame - performance object-based library for DLA computations | flame | 235 |
- prima - free optimization methods, i.e., COBYLA, UOBYQA, NEWUOA, BOBYQA, and LINCOA. PRIMA means Reference Implementation for Powell's methods with Modernization and Amelioration, P for Powell. | libprima | 307 |
- WRF - model | 1247 |
- GPU-Pro-Books-Source-Code
- Hyperbolic-Honeycombs
- thebookofshaders - by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders. | patriciogonzalezvivo | 6040 |
- viddy
- typedb
- turm
- dust
- gifski
- nalgebra
- rapier
- monolith
- jnv
- flox
- yazi
- ncube
- advent-of-cuda
- vtracer
- chroma - native open-source embedding database | chroma-core | 15194 |
- hurl - OpenSource | 13027 |
- ruffle - rs | 15641 |
- rerun - io | 6500 |
- fast_vector_similarity
- gping
- mdBook - lang | 18090 |
- Daft - Inc | 2276 |
- eww
- skim
- atuin
- typst - based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn. | typst | 34695 |
- boxxy
- czkawka
- subtext
- noosphere
- rustworkx
- komorebi
- rig - lib | 653 |
- broot
- angle-grinder
- diskonaut
- difftastic
- argc
- gyroflow
- just
- clean-dns-bpf
- pueue
- dezoomify-rs
- ripgrep
- tools
- spotifyd
- nushell
- deno
- lemmy
- py-spy
- xsv
- pyxel
- cannoli
- ast-grep - grep | 7417 |
- rustdesk - source remote desktop application designed for self-hosting, as an alternative to TeamViewer. | rustdesk | 75212 |
- desed
- pixi - dev | 3228 |
- sapling - Friendly Source Control System. | facebook | 6152 |
- espanso - platform Text Expander written in Rust | espanso | 10023 |
- hexyl - line hex viewer | sharkdp | 9126 |
- tree-sitter - sitter | 18531 |
- hyperfine - line benchmarking tool | sharkdp | 22026 |
- rustlings - lang | 53881 |
- jj - compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful | martinvonz | 8980 |
- cornell-mcray - rs, and dolly | h3r2tic | 707 |
- polars - rs | 30094 |
- onetun - forward in Rust | aramperes | 896 |
- rnote
- gitui - ui for git written in rust 🦀 | extrawurst | 18523 |
- lapce - fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust | lapce | 34437 |
- delta - highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output | dandavison | 23113 |
- gitbutler
- nyxpsi - gen network protocol for reliable data transfer in lossy environments. Outperforms TCP/UDP in high packet loss scenarios. | nyxpsi | 304 |
- shpool - pool | 1168 |
- Bend - level programming language | HigherOrderCO | 17388 |
- wezterm - accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust | wez | 17622 |
- ezkl - snark (ZKML). Use it from Python, Javascript, or the command line. | zkonduit | 938 |
- tauri - apps | 84330 |
- pomsky - lang | 1283 |
- jless - line JSON viewer designed for reading, exploring, and searching through JSON data. | PaulJuliusMartinez | 4769 |
- forma - graphics renderer | google | 2623 |
- rustpad - hosted, no database required | ekzhang | 3480 |
- napkin-math - principles | sirupsen | 3747 |
- starship - fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! | starship | 45063 |
- abstreet - b-street | 7746 |
- ripgrep-all - Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc. | phiresky | 8147 |
- alacritty - platform, OpenGL terminal emulator. | alacritty | 56279 |
- weld - performance runtime for data analytics applications | weld-project | 2994 |
- fish-shell - friendly command line shell. | fish-shell | 26118 |
- citybound - in-progress, open-source, multi-player city simulation game. | citybound | 7745 |
- Stirling-PDF - Tools | 44349 |
- anserini
- SikuliX1
- HdrHistogram
- jidt - theoretic measures of computation in complex systems | jlizier | 262 |
- fred
- OpenRefine
- miaosha
- GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts
- MyBookshelf
- LeetCodeAnimation
- Mindustry
- cello
- zotfile
- javaplex
- material-theme-jetbrains
- selenium
- java-design-patterns
- AlgoDS
- interviews
- AndroidUtilCode
- conductor
- CloudCrypto
- FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition - nonsense implementation of FizzBuzz made by serious businessmen for serious business purposes. | EnterpriseQualityCoding | 21450 |
- proxyee-down - down-org | 24931 |
- MineDojo - Ended Embodied Agents with Internet-Scale Knowledge | MineDojo | 1790 |
- tink - language, cross-platform, open source library that provides cryptographic APIs that are secure, easy to use correctly, and hard(er) to misuse. | tink-crypto | 13499 |
- t-digest - line accumulation of rank-based statistics such as quantiles and trimmed means | tdunning | 1991 |
- haven - device sensors | guardianproject | 6628 |
- mermaid - js | 71751 |
- quilt
- actual - first personal finance app | actualbudget | 14404 |
- cq2 - co | 319 |
- runtipi - hosted apps. ✨ | runtipi | 7432 |
- tabby
- prosemirror-view
- translation-starter - labs | 573 |
- search_with_lepton - based search demo with Lepton AI. | leptonai | 7808 |
- openstatus - source synthetic monitoring platform 🏓 | openstatusHQ | 6293 |
- honkit - Fork of GitBook | honkit | 3038 |
- LaTeX-Workshop - Yu | 10680 |
- Overleaf-Workshop
- inbox-zero
- outline
- plantarium - fx | 440 |
- vscode-leetcode - OpenSource | 8208 |
- auto
- monaspace
- inshellisense
- aicommits
- bedframe
- immich - hosted photo and video management solution. | immich-app | 49573 |
- quint
- hackathon2023
- ink - line apps | vadimdemedes | 26561 |
- ChatGPT-Shortcut
- infisical - source secret management platform: Sync secrets across your team/infrastructure, prevent secret leaks, and manage internal PKI | Infisical | 15432 |
- prompt-engine
- jendeley - based document organizing software. | akawashiro | 130 |
- bs-core - fast book searcher, create and search your private library. | zu1k | 6336 |
- tamagui
- followgraph
- jupyterlite
- easy-typing-obsidian
- grist-core
- nativefier
- shell - os | 4865 |
- charticulator - Aware Construction of Bespoke Charts | microsoft | 830 |
- outline-apps - Code | 8441 |
- tldraw
- tiptap
- rallly - source scheduling and collaboration tool designed to make organizing events and meetings easier. | lukevella | 3610 |
- markdoc - based authoring framework. | markdoc | 7263 |
- zotero-better-notes
- spacedrive - platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust. | spacedriveapp | 32272 |
- hoppscotch - (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia) | hoppscotch | 65025 |
- orchest
- personal-security-checklist
- regex-vis
- zotero-actions-tags
- omnivore - it-later solution for people who like reading. | omnivore-app | 12827 |
- ipyvolume
- playwright
- faker - js | 12660 |
- autocomplete - style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell | withfig | 24565 |
- qinglong
- type-challenges - challenges | 43027 |
- niivue
- nota - lang | 702 |
- wg-access-server - in-one WireGuard VPN solution with a web ui for connecting devices | Place1 | 1780 |
- minecraft-ondemand
- slate
- vscode-ltex
- nettu-meet
- verilog2factorio
- ali-words
- automaton
- - scale data sets. | keplergl | 10370 |
- super-productivity
- PicGo - cli-electron-builder | Molunerfinn | 24037 |
- minwiz
- hedgedoc - Ideas grow better together | hedgedoc | 5156 |
- Pi-Tool - remapping utility for the Raspberry Pi 4, designed for Pi Case 40 | CoolerMasterTechnology | 196 |
- hiplot
- marp - team | 7790 |
- Zettlr - Stop Publication Workbench | Zettlr | 10285 |
- foam
- etcher - io | 29695 |
- caprover - aka Heroku on Steroids | caprover | 13213 |
- penrose
- excalidraw - drawn like diagrams | excalidraw | 83468 |
- rough-notation - drawn annotations on a web page | rough-stuff | 8655 |
- ledge
- ohmyform
- nuclear
- OI-wiki - wiki | 21034 |
- hyper
- vercel
- proton-native
- RSSHub
- rough-charts - drawn style. | beizhedenglong | 1540 |
- Memex
- juice-shop - shop | 10382 |
- kubeflow
- zotero-better-bibtex
- code-server
- ForumMagnum
- deepscatter - ai | 1023 |
- nteract
- micro
- realworld
- uppy
- docusaurus
- jupyterlab
- ng-bootstrap - bootstrap | 8218 |
- tech-interview-handbook
- chromeless
- developer-roadmap
- freeCodeCamp - source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free. | freeCodeCamp | 404593 |
- platform - in-One Project Management Platform (alternative to Linear, Jira, Slack, Notion, Motion) | hcengineering | 16090 |
- blocksuite - BlockSuite is a toolkit for building editors and collaborative applications. | toeverything | 4464 |
- positron - generation data science IDE | posit-dev | 2589 |
- dify - source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting you quickly go from prototype to production. | langgenius | 49632 |
- - source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs. | AykutSarac | 31375 |
- joplin - the privacy-focused note taking app with sync capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. | laurent22 | 45726 |
- intro.js - friendly onboarding tour library | usablica | 22807 |
- stan-playground
- json4u
- AFFiNE - gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. Privacy first, open-source, customizable and ready to use. | toeverything | 41584 |
- PythonCall.jl
- DECAES.jl - a Julia implementation of the UBC Myelin Water Imaging (MWI) toolbox for computing voxelwise T2-distributions of multi spin-echo MRI images. | jondeuce | 32 |
- Makie.jl
- Tullio.jl
- SpeedyWeather.jl
- ReservoirComputing.jl
- Cthulhu.jl
- DrWatson.jl
- OnlineStats.jl - pass algorithms for statistics | joshday | 836 |
- GLM.jl
- NonlinearDynamicsTextbook
- BeautifulAlgorithms.jl
- ClimateMachine.jl
- Unfold.jl
- Turing.jl
- hardware_introduction
- fkMigration.jl - k migration algorithm. | analytech-solutions | 66 |
- diff-zoo
- Yao.jl
- TDA.jl
- ScHoLP-Tutorial
- ThinkJulia.jl
- pythonidae
- UnicodePlots.jl - based scientific plotting for working in the terminal | JuliaPlots | 1443 |
- Agents.jl - based modeling framework in Julia | JuliaDynamics | 763 |
- WaterLily.jl - jl | 636 |
- SymbolicRegression.jl - Performance Symbolic Regression in Julia | MilesCranmer | 621 |
Jupyter Notebook
- imv-gps - Nicoud, Krause, and Borovitskiy | DanielRobertNicoud | 6 |
- jacobian_geometry - driven processes", PNAS | gbarzon | 5 |
- pangeo - data | 703 |
- courses
- tarsier
- XAI-for-bioinformatics
- abc_atlas_access
- BI-BE-CS-183-2023
- GML2023
- graphkit-learn - image problem. | jajupmochi | 123 |
- tropai-2024
- Gaussian-Process-Regression-Tutorial
- what_are_embeddings
- phoenix - ai | 3829 |
- life2vec
- Large-Language-Model-Notebooks-Course
- llm-course
- pyebm - A toolbox for Event Based Models | 88vikram | 24 |
- qgraph
- brain_eigenmodes - mansour | 9 |
- matplotlib-multilayer-network
- insanely-fast-whisper
- hmp
- laminar_organization
- fast-slow - inhibition balance brain network fitting | BrainModes | 20 |
- bert-brains
- torchgfn
- asymmetric_uncertainty
- fmmax
- gpt-prompt-engineer
- corrquench - takuya | 3 |
- LLM-Training-Puzzles
- RheMAP - linear warps between common rhesus macaque brain templates | PRIME-RE | 24 |
- TopoNetX - team | 178 |
- brainsss
- GenerativeModels - MONAI | 613 |
- UKB-connectomics - mansour | 62 |
- cosyne-2023-generative-models
- geometric-gnn-dojo
- smt
- FastSurfer - MI | 460 |
- JuliaGraphsTutorials
- mango - software | 397 |
- cphy
- DataDrivenDynSyst - Driven Methods for Dynamic Systems | jbramburger | 77 |
- geomstats
- torchegranate - write using PyTorch as the backend. | jmschrei | 71 |
- lovely-tensors
- TimeSynth
- evojax
- RAJAPerf
- kernl - RD | 1529 |
- metrics-as-scores
- fBOSC - trial level | neurofractal | 22 |
- python-blosc2
- humap
- AllenHumanGeneMNI
- nn-zero-to-hero
- archive-CCM-site - GA 3405.002 / DS-GS 3001.006 : Computational cognitive modeling | brendenlake | 202 |
- conformal-prediction
- neuroprobnum
- cr-sparse
- dsp_notebooks - sdr | 103 |
- randomfun
- transformer-walkthrough
- loops-are-evil
- nilearn-task-networks - based activation and network analysis using Python based modules: Nilearn and Nistats. Notebooks prepared on Neurohackademy 2018 ( | kfinc | 24 |
- BOLD_WAVES - oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) spatial propagation activity | tsb46 | 18 |
- tigramite
- gpu-python-tutorial
- GPU-Puzzles
- OI-and-CMs
- pybrms
- neuro-nav - inspired navigation and decision making research. | awjuliani | 198 |
- grit-benchmark
- reliability-diagrams
- Vogel_PLS_Tx-Space
- qsiprep-atlas - bundled atlases were made | PennLINC | 1 |
- gtrick
- ThinkDSP
- ssm-book - space models | probml | 175 |
- ABAnnotate - based multimodal gene-category enrichment analysis of human neuroimaging data | LeonDLotter | 18 |
- Tensor-Puzzles
- ModelingNeuralCircuits
- prodigy-recipes
- amh-code
- HyPyP - team | 75 |
- ibsgd
- GLMspiketraintutorial_python
- connectome-spatial-smoothing - spatial smoothing (CSS) | sina-mansour | 10 |
- The_R1-weighted_connectome - weighted connectome: complementing brain networks with a myelin-sensitive measure. | TommyBoshkovski | 2 |
- xicor - sf | 145 |
- jupyter_notebooks
- cufflinks
- buggy-resizing-critique
- AdvancedScientificComputing - source software development | timholy | 302 |
- roc-n-roll - recall) curves showing multiple metrics evaluations along the curve. | ehudkr | 4 |
- ts_tutorial
- dysts
- Hippocampus_AP_Axis
- closed_loop_mdd
- spatio-temporal-brain - temporal Dynamics in rs-fMRI Data | tjiagoM | 46 |
- MLOps-Basics
- nbdev
- COGS118C
- research_code
- prettymaps
- gather
- ds003-post-fMRIPrep-analysis
- torchdyn
- neural_data_science
- kcni-school-lessons
- ohbm2021
- Celeste.jl - regier | 183 |
- Node-Parcellation - specific node-level parcellations. For the original paper, see Salehi et al., "There is no single functional atlas even for a single individual: Parcellation of the human brain is state dependent." bioRxiv 2018. | YaleMRRC | 9 |
- MathToolsforNeuroscience
- functorch - like composable function transforms for PyTorch. | pytorch | 1394 |
- ClusterShapley
- DeepPurpose
- nvidia-cuda-tutorial
- KDEpy
- facets - code | 7357 |
- eat_pytorch_in_20_days
- vissl - Supervised Learning with images. | facebookresearch | 3257 |
- signals-and-systems-lecture - and Discrete-Time Signals and Systems - Theory and Computational Examples | spatialaudio | 327 |
- pytorch-GAT
- monthly-challenges
- EverythingCrypto
- pyprobml
- tensor-sensor
- joyful-pandas
- budapest-fmri-data
- quantum-algorithms-tutorials
- edward2
- cosanlab_preproc - based data fMRI pre-processing tools | cosanlab | 14 |
- course-content
- swarm_interaction_network - based approach to study swarm intelligence | macoj | 13 |
- nn-brain
- minigrad
- networkx-edge-bundling
- rising
- course-nlp - First Introduction to NLP course | fastai | 3425 |
- qml-mooc
- RL-Stock
- Reinforcement-Learning-2nd-Edition-by-Sutton-Exercise-Solutions
- joyful-pandas
- deepul
- DataSciencePsychNeuro
- pytorch-tutorials-examples-and-books
- Practical_RL
- benchmarking-gnns
- openMorph - access databases with human structural MRI data | cMadan | 126 |
- TDA-tutorial
- understandingbdl
- adversarial_lab - based Tool for visualisation and generation of adversarial examples by attacking ImageNet Models like VGG, AlexNet, ResNet etc. | dsgiitr | 51 |
- d2l-pytorch
- graph_nets
- fastpages
- rethinking-numpyro
- neural-tangents
- The-Elements-of-Statistical-Learning-Python-Notebooks
- scikit-geometry - geometry | 427 |
- deepmind-research - deepmind | 13193 |
- learnopencv
- industry-machine-learning
- wassdistance
- lecture-source-py - - Python version | QuantEcon | 192 |
- climate_in_color
- GettingStarted
- dtreeviz
- shap
- pytorch-normalizing-flows
- toyplot
- pyESN
- IntracranialNeurophysDL
- Dive-into-DL-PyTorch
- AnatomyOfMatplotlib - - tutorial developed for the SciPy conference | matplotlib | 1216 |
- pydqc
- Understanding-GCN
- Understanding-NN
- nlp-tutorial
- topography_atlas_of_space
- bdl-benchmarks
- GLMM-in-Python - effect model in Python | junpenglao | 175 |
- botorch
- probability
- einet
- tensorflow-handbook
- PGCN - Zeng | 321 |
- qiskit-textbook - community | 942 |
- TF-2.0-Hacks
- Neural_Decoding
- pg-is-all-you-need - by-step tutorial for well-known PG methods. | MrSyee | 860 |
- tcscode
- matplotlib-gallery
- Popular-RL-Algorithms - Critic (SAC), Twin Delayed DDPG (TD3), Actor-Critic (AC/A2C), Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), QT-Opt, PointNet.. | quantumiracle | 1116 |
- joypy
- saxpy - SAX, and SAX-VSM implementation in Python | seninp | 209 |
- NeuralDataScienceCSHL2019
- single-cell-tutorial - cell RNA-seq analysis: a tutorial" | theislab | 1386 |
- qiskit-tutorials
- pySankey
- MultiscaleCentrality - Multiscale centrality (MSC) is a scale dependent measure of centrality on complex networks. | barahona-research-group | 7 |
- capsule_net_pytorch
- deep-learning-random-explore
- deeplearning-models
- algforopt-notebooks
- DL-workshop-series - Learning-Tokyo | 938 |
- simplagion
- neuroparc
- poppy-ergo-jr - source robotic arm based on modular 3D printed conception and low-cost XL-320 motors. | poppy-project | 183 |
- gradient_analysis
- marmoset
- adjustText
- Hands-On-Reinforcement-Learning-with-Python - On Reinforcement Learning with Python, published by Packt | PacktPublishing | 786 |
- cnn-exposed
- htmpapers
- jetbot - AI-IOT | 3022 |
- the-craft-of-selfteaching
- continual-learning - R, ER, A-GEM, iCaRL, Generative Classifier) in three different scenarios. | GMvandeVen | 1569 |
- InferSent
- Deep-Learning-Coursera
- neural-ode
- dopamine
- pytorch_flows - ircam | 160 |
- cnjc-code - cnjc | 7 |
- maml-jax - Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) in Jax | ericjang | 188 |
- ReLeaSE - novo Drug Design | isayev | 351 |
- computation-thru-dynamics - research | 371 |
- quantum-learning
- lucid
- PyTorch-Tutorial
- ruijin_round2
- pytorch-handbook
- tdl
- DeepRL-Tutorials
- cnn_graph
- PracticalSessions
- mooc_exercise - based on-line learning | hoondori | 1 |
- DeepLearningFrameworks
- shablona
- ThinkStats2
- CompStats
- graph_nn
- K-Nearest-Neighbors-with-Dynamic-Time-Warping
- Graph-neural-networks
- mit-deep-learning
- causal_inference_python_code
- siml
- Learning-from-data
- fMRI_data_analysis
- lihang-code
- ndap-fa2018
- google-research - research | 34188 |
- minc_keras
- introML
- psych204a
- workshops
- DeepNeuro - Lab | 124 |
- ESL-CN - weiya | 2447 |
- bayesian-neural-network-mnist
- brain-networks-course
- neuroprocdata
- deepLearningBook-Notes
- Stats-Maths-with-Python
- tuthpc - Performance Computing" | mmckerns | 121 |
- deepbayes-2018
- micaopen - MNI | 73 |
- JuliaTutorials
- QuantumKatas
- Grokking-Deep-Learning
- Book-Deep-Learning-Applications-with-Applications-Using-Python
- ml-study
- ML-Tutorial-Experiment
- pytorch_exercises
- RL-Adventure
- dfa
- TensorSlow - implementation of TensorFlow in pure python, with an emphasis on code understandability | danielsabinasz | 679 |
- fastai
- data
- python-in-neuroscience-tutorials
- pytorch-book
- Computational-Neuroscience-UW - neuroscience | 133 |
- workshops
- Capsule-Network-Tutorial - to-follow Capsule Network tutorial | higgsfield | 767 |
- Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python
- pytudes
- welcome_tutorials - iqia | 985 |
- simplified-deeplearning
- deep-learning-with-python-notebooks
- pandas-tutorial
- rnn-syn
- numerical-linear-algebra
- powerlaw
- notes-python - THU | 6940 |
- xcorr-notebooks
- SNNs - normalizing networks" | bioinf-jku | 1582 |
- game2vec - video-games dataset, using both CBOW and Skip-gram. | warchildmd | 70 |
- wiki-detox
- tensorflow_cookbook
- TensorFlow-Tutorials
- Tensorflow-101
- tensorflow_tutorials
- TensorFlow-Examples
- scientific-python-lectures
- nn-from-scratch
- reinforcement-learning
- tensorflow-tutorial
- key-book
- alibi-detect
- flax
- Manifold-Learning - Mathematical Theory and Applied Python Examples (Multidimensional Scaling, Isomap, Locally Linear Embedding, Spectral Embedding/Laplacian Eigenmaps) | drewwilimitis | 221 |
- Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackers - first, mathematics-second point of view. All in pure Python ;) | CamDavidsonPilon | 26789 |
- lectures - mode lectures | cuda-mode | 2434 |
- autogen
- hamilton - documenting dataflows, that encode lineage/tracing and metadata. Runs and scales everywhere python does. | DAGWorks-Inc | 1831 |
- MAPIE - learn-compatible module to estimate prediction intervals and control risks based on conformal predictions. | scikit-learn-contrib | 1293 |
- s4 - spaces | 2447 |
- micrograd - valued autograd engine and a neural net library on top of it with PyTorch-like API | karpathy | 10324 |
- YOLOU - Lite、YOLOv6-v1、YOLOv6-v2、YOLOv7、YOLOX、YOLOX-Lite、PP-YOLOE、PP-PicoDet-Plus、YOLO-Fastest v2、FastestDet、YOLOv5-SPD、TensorRT、NCNN、Tengine、OpenVINO | jizhishutong | 748 |
- Python-EEG-Handbook-CN - A Chinese handbook for EEG data analysis based on Python | ZitongLu1996 | 371 |
- virtual-scanner - to-end hybrid MR simulator/console | imr-framework | 60 |
- higgsfield - tolerant, highly scalable GPU orchestration, and a machine learning framework designed for training models with billions to trillions of parameters | higgsfield-ai | 3293 |
- Bayesian-Neural-Networks - Laplace, SG-HMC and more | JavierAntoran | 1833 |
- DeepLearningExamples - of-the-Art Deep Learning scripts organized by models - easy to train and deploy with reproducible accuracy and performance on enterprise-grade infrastructure. | NVIDIA | 13504 |
- EconML - of-the-art machine learning techniques with econometrics in order to bring automation to complex causal inference problems. To date, the ALICE Python SDK (econml) implements orthogonal machine learning algorithms such as the double machine learning work of Chernozhukov et al. This toolkit is designed to measure the causal effect of some treatment variable(s) t on an outcome variable y, controlling for a set of features x. | py-why | 3817 |
- graph-based-deep-learning-literature - based deep learning | naganandy | 4796 |
- statistical-learning-method - 基于Python算法实现 | wzyonggege | 2041 |
- tsfresh - yonder | 8424 |
- eidev - I using biophysical network modeling | amnsbr | 1 |
- rainbow-is-all-you-need - by-step tutorial from DQN to Rainbow | Curt-Park | 1861 |
- pytorch-seq2seq - to-sequence (seq2seq) models with PyTorch and TorchText. | bentrevett | 5366 |
- - book | 13199 |
- Made-With-ML - grade ML applications. | GokuMohandas | 37322 |
- nipype_tutorial - go here to see them online --> | miykael | 121 |
- Elevation - to-end guide design for CRISPR/Cas9 with machine learning | microsoft | 127 |
- fecon235 - Shiller housing asset portfolio equities SPX bonds TIPS rates currency FX euro EUR USD JPY yen XAU gold Brent WTI oil Holt-Winters time-series forecasting statistics econometrics | rsvp | 1143 |
- matplotlib_for_papers - quality figures with matplotlib" | jbmouret | 2132 |
- hyperlearn - 2000x faster ML algos, 50% less memory usage, works on all hardware - new and old. | unslothai | 1829 |
- TensorFlow-Course - to-use tutorials for TensorFlow | instillai | 16395 |
- Reinforcement-Learning - ts | 4209 |
- Reinforcement-Learning-Notebooks - Khandelwal | 1052 |
- h4cker - Art-of-Hacking | 18807 |
- python_reference - related things | rasbt | 3760 |
- llama3-from-scratch
- neurometry - intelligence | 48 |
- GeostatsPyDemos - documented demonstration workflows with the GeostatsPy package. | GeostatsGuy | 49 |
- guidance - ai | 19016 |
- WTF-zk - Knowledge Proofs Tutorial. #zk #WIP | WTFAcademy | 1606 |
- CellphoneDB - cell transcriptomics data. | ventolab | 331 |
- spvcm - correlated variance components models | pysal | 17 |
- CFDPython - Stokes" | barbagroup | 3432 |
- scGPT - lab | 1026 |
- single-cell-best-practices - | theislab | 767 |
- torch-harmonics
- SpatialNonStationarity
- MeshGradientPy
- stripy
- DS4DS_Course - 4-DS | 99 |
- PythonNumericalDemos - documented Python demonstrations for spatial data analytics, geostatistical and machine learning to support my courses. | GeostatsGuy | 1409 |
- pml-book - a book series by Kevin Murphy | probml | 4970 |
- CH485---Artificial-Intelligence-and-Chemistry - Artificial Intelligence and Chemistry | SeongokRyu | 122 |
- practical-pytorch - this repo is deprecated and no longer maintained | spro | 4522 |
- omicverse - seq analysis. | Starlitnightly | 455 |
- lectures - mode lectures | gpu-mode | 2922 |
- langchain - aware reasoning applications | langchain-ai | 94281 |
- selfie - compiling C compiler, a tiny self-executing RISC-V emulator, and a tiny self-hosting RISC-V hypervisor. | cksystemsteaching | 2379 |
- tsai - of-the-art Deep Learning library for Time Series and Sequences in Pytorch / fastai | timeseriesAI | 5214 |
- tutorials - MONAI | 1843 |
- Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Hands-On-Second-Edition - Reinforcement-Learning-Hands-On-Second-Edition, published by Packt | PacktPublishing | 1155 |
- agentic_patterns - maze | 696 |
- graphcompass
- einsum-search
- easy-rl - rl/ | datawhalechina | 9406 |
- graphein - r-j | 1035 |
- xgi - order networks. | xgi-org | 184 |
- handwritingBCI - Performance Brain-to-Text Communication via Handwriting" | fwillett | 363 |
- gt4sd-core - source library to accelerate hypothesis generation in the scientific discovery process. | GT4SD | 337 |
- braincharts - clinical-neuroscience | 30 |
- shapash - friendly Explainability and Interpretability to Develop Reliable and Transparent Machine Learning Models | MAIF | 2733 |
- shap-analysis-guide - Technical Guide | AidanCooper | 44 |
- Introduction-to-Julia - part course. | JuliaAcademy | 404 |
- mujoco - Joint dynamics with Contact. A general purpose physics simulator. | google-deepmind | 8149 |
- pySuStaIn - pond | 130 |
- kglab - kgc, pslpython, pyarrow, etc. | DerwenAI | 579 |
- mlops-course - grade ML applications. | GokuMohandas | 2951 |
- TDC - 2): Multimodal Foundation for Therapeutic Science | mims-harvard | 1003 |
- pycaret - source, low-code machine learning library in Python | pycaret | 8913 |
- machine-learning-for-trading - jansen | 13295 |
- Yet-Another-EfficientDet-Pytorch - implement of the official efficientdet with SOTA performance in real time and pretrained weights. | zylo117 | 5206 |
- aima-python - A Modern Approach" | aimacode | 8034 |
- dynamax
- PySyft
- neuralflow
- labml
- moco
- batgrl - die | 431 |
- niwrap
- HyperNetX
- hyve
- hypercoil
- mec - entropy coupling. | ssokota | 29 |
- sysidentpy
- msa - purpose Python package for Multiperturbation Shapley value Analysis (MSA). | kuffmode | 17 |
- WeChatMsg
- flox - contrib | 123 |
- skglm - learn-contrib | 156 |
- dpnp
- numba-dpex
- hazardous - inria | 55 |
- fairlearn
- causallib
- llm4papers
- movement - unit | 103 |
- terminaltexteffects
- nigsp
- cloudgoat
- xpra - org | 1969 |
- manim
- glmpca-py - PCA) implemented in python | willtownes | 57 |
- leidenalg
- penzai - deepmind | 1671 |
- Cho2024_MEEG_RSN - analysis | 3 |
- skops - learn based models and put them in production | skops-dev | 449 |
- MolecularNodes
- SiReNetA - Response Network Analysis | mb-BCA | 4 |
- posteriors - computing | 323 |
- ComfyUI-ArtGallery - ZHO-ZHO | 437 |
- ehrapy
- cookiecutter-hypermodern-python
- aider - gauthier | 19361 |
- open-parse
- pygfx
- umap_tsne_experiment
- kitty - platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal | kovidgoyal | 24440 |
- ratarmount
- buku - web in text | jarun | 6507 |
- pyinterpolate
- pgx
- pycircstat
- FastUI
- pdfminer.six - we fathom PDF | pdfminer | 5936 |
- hotpdf
- pydantic-resolve
- neuroHarmonize - site neuroimaging analysis. Implemented as a python package. Harmonization of MRI, sMRI, dMRI, fMRI variables with support for NIFTI images. Complements the work in Neuroimage by Pomponio et al. (2019). | rpomponio | 83 |
- pygmtools - SJTU | 298 |
- NHP-BrainExtraction
- neurovista
- netbox - netbox-cloud/ | netbox-community | 16119 |
- IntelliScraper - jane | 268 |
- eigenstrapping - Newy | 9 |
- udocker - dc | 1362 |
- osl-dynamics - analysis | 60 |
- ml-engineering
- stamox
- plum
- fenbux
- pulp - or | 2096 |
- psst - based Secret Sharing Technique | Sjlver | 439 |
- marimo - team | 7405 |
- mpire
- skweak
- bayes-toolbox - toolbox | hyosubkim | 93 |
- CustomTkinter - library based on Tkinter | TomSchimansky | 11482 |
- nougat
- tensordict
- DotDict
- scrat
- diffrax - capable. | patrick-kidger | 1420 |
- causalnex
- vizro
- galactic
- bytewax
- balance
- pydistcheck
- peft - of-the-art Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning. | huggingface | 16292 |
- functime - series machine learning at scale. Built with Polars for embarrassingly parallel feature extraction and forecasts on panel data. | functime-org | 1036 |
- temporian - source Python library for preprocessing ⚡ and feature engineering 🛠 temporal data 📈 for machine learning applications 🤖 | google | 674 |
- litellm - [Bedrock, Azure, OpenAI, VertexAI, Cohere, Anthropic, Sagemaker, HuggingFace, Replicate, Groq] | BerriAI | 13464 |
- PeachPy - 64 assembler embedded in Python | Maratyszcza | 1981 |
- regtricks
- kingfisher - line track-model | anisotropi4 | 117 |
- uBlock-Origin-dev-filter - websites from DuckDuckGo, Google and other search engines. Specific to dev websites like StackOverflow or GitHub. | quenhus | 2265 |
- pertpy
- sfepy
- torchexplorer
- marker
- Conditional_Density_Estimation
- curated-transformers
- data_driven_network_neuroscience
- PyElastica - source software for the simulation of assemblies of slender, one-dimensional structures using Cosserat Rod theory. | GazzolaLab | 230 |
- GGLasso - sp | 30 |
- skmediate
- pytorch-frame - team | 529 |
- great-tables - dev | 1861 |
- ann-benchmarks
- CTF-writeups
- s2fft - informatics | 133 |
- gget
- pyscisci
- grandiso-networkx - Python subgraph isomorphism and monomorphism search (aka "motif search") | aplbrain | 55 |
- dotmotif
- dwiqc - nrg | 1 |
- bids-specification - standard | 276 |
- bmi - ethz | 35 |
- ml_collections
- MEMD-Python-
- numpy-glm
- Fooocus
- pypipe
- dspy
- readme-ai
- orbax
- pyfuzzylite
- gpt4free
- abcc_datapre
- colorcet
- sequential_social_dilemma_games
- topcorr
- giga_connectome - apps | 4 |
- deit
- plspy - Lab | 4 |
- dask-runners
- lattices
- cog
- pymer4
- pysqa
- fMRI_ROI_Analysis_Tool - voxel statistical maps in conjunction with FSL atlases to create per-region statistical maps. Current usage includes the creation of regional maps of temporal signal to noise ratio. | elliohow | 11 |
- NeuralWaveMachines
- codespell - project | 1904 |
- humpday - free optimizers | microprediction | 132 |
- comgra
- chepy
- NiBetaSeries
- nltools
- awesome-bids - standard | 9 |
- pandas-ai - AI | 13167 |
- jumpserver - source PAM tool alternative to CyberArk. 广受欢迎的开源堡垒机。 | jumpserver | 25409 |
- jupyter-ai
- composer
- SIPPY - UNIPI | 274 |
- neuroshape-dev - k | 1 |
- fmripost-aroma - AROMA on fMRIPrep derivatives | nipreps | 8 |
- ciftipy
- python-mastery - course | 10691 |
- HPC_helper - Lab | 15 |
- hyperspy
- torchcde - efficient adjoint backpropagation. | patrick-kidger | 419 |
- gpt-engineer - engineer-org | 52305 |
- public_analysis_code - brain-charting | 20 |
- gif_your_nifti
- PyReliMRI - based Reliability in MRI: Calculating Group level and Individual Level Similarity between runs and sessions. | demidenm | 35 |
- bayan
- SegLossOdyssey
- ANNarchy - coded and spiking neural networks. | ANNarchy | 38 |
- benchopt
- optree
- torchopt
- Bottles
- theseus
- rsHRF - fMRI signal | bids-apps | 31 |
- gorilla-cli - llm | 1291 |
- pyvbmc
- PCNtoolkit
- diaphora
- fonttools
- fmriprep-denoise-benchmark
- mvlearn - view machine learning | mvlearn | 204 |
- cca_zoo - learn style framework | jameschapman19 | 192 |
- Multi_Comparison_Matrix - IRIMAS | 19 |
- chaospy - Toolbox for performing uncertainty quantification. | jonathf | 443 |
- TARDIS - lab | 39 |
- aleatory
- parameterfree - Free Optimizers for Pytorch | bremen79 | 108 |
- poly-match
- xorshift
- deap
- multimodal-Parkinson-data-processing
- developer - ai | 11813 |
- aeon - toolkit | 1001 |
- CrypTen
- mlc-llm - ai | 19096 |
- frogmouth
- deepdoctection
- table-transformer - 1M dataset and GriTS evaluation metric. | microsoft | 2284 |
- scikit-posthocs
- UKBB-tabular-processing
- m2m - uqam | 4 |
- job-maker
- jobstats
- singularity-compose
- openscope_databook - centric collection of foundational analyses for reproducible systems neuroscience 🐁🧠🔬🖥️📈 | AllenInstitute | 63 |
- pytorch-toolbelt
- netrd
- autolfads-deploy - UCSD | 13 |
- flit
- prettytable
- L2L - free Optimization framework | IGITUGraz | 36 |
- Category_Theory_Machine_Learning
- LaPy - MI | 61 |
- input-remapper
- ufunclab
- eyediagram
- trx-python - ar-ex | 22 |
- rapidtide - a suite of programs for doing time lag correlation analysis on fMRI data | bbfrederick | 75 |
- aemcmc - devs | 39 |
- formulaic - performance implementation of Wilkinson formulas for Python. | matthewwardrop | 341 |
- mliv - machine-learning-lab | 26 |
- nimgen
- chatgpt_please_improve_my_paper_writing
- tpcp - lab-fau | 15 |
- devolearn
- radicli - line interfaces | explosion | 102 |
- platformio-core
- plottable
- director
- awesome-normalizing-flows
- ipyflow
- xorbits
- runlike
- unblob - sec | 2187 |
- pytorch-esn
- tensorly
- Artemis
- design-bench - berkeley | 44 |
- prince
- crux-top-lists
- namizun
- pylops - Operator Library for Python | PyLops | 425 |
- sdf
- moto
- petals - style. Fine-tuning and inference up to 10x faster than offloading | bigscience-workshop | 9206 |
- tiktoken
- pyupgrade - commit hook) to automatically upgrade syntax for newer versions of the language. | asottile | 3587 |
- mitiq - scale quantum computers. | unitaryfund | 363 |
- SupContrast
- skypilot - org | 6738 |
- dataset-phenotypes - dsst | 7 |
- PayloadsAllTheThings
- fortuna
- statsforecast
- mne-bids-pipeline - Python. | mne-tools | 140 |
- CleanMyWechat
- Cerebro_Viewer - mansour | 31 |
- dinghy
- twitter-archive-parser
- RedditWritesCode
- glasbey
- GPJax
- opensnitch
- torcheval
- pyhddmjags
- backpack - a backpropagation package built on top of PyTorch which efficiently computes quantities other than the gradient. | f-dangel | 561 |
- pygod - team | 1323 |
- py_regular_expressions
- ott - able computations. | ott-jax | 520 |
- refurb
- MRTwin_pulseq
- braindecode
- cosasi
- yasb - platform (Windows) status bar written in Python. | da-rth | 1416 |
- pynamical
- pip-tools
- napari-plot-profile
- unilm - scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities | microsoft | 20076 |
- redun
- tango
- Imaging-transcriptomics
- numba-scipy
- numba-stats - accelerated statistical distributions | HDembinski | 52 |
- python-human-regex
- pyserini
- bbs
- pykeen
- cleanrl - quality single file implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms with research-friendly features (PPO, DQN, C51, DDPG, TD3, SAC, PPG) | vwxyzjn | 5596 |
- CORL - quality single-file implementations of SOTA Offline and Offline-to-Online RL algorithms: AWAC, BC, CQL, DT, EDAC, IQL, SAC-N, TD3+BC, LB-SAC, SPOT, Cal-QL, ReBRAC | tinkoff-ai | 1078 |
- information-bottleneck
- pymor - Model Order Reduction with Python | pymor | 307 |
- syne-tune - tune | 388 |
- flowMC - flow enhanced sampling package for probabilistic inference in Jax | kazewong | 198 |
- hpc-container-maker
- hilo-mpc - MPC is a Python toolbox for easy, flexible and fast development of machine-learning-supported optimal control and estimation problems | hilo-mpc | 163 |
- Semi-supervised-learning - Supervised Learning Codebase (NeurIPS'22) | microsoft | 1350 |
- UK_Biobank_GWAS
- xonsh - powered shell. Full-featured and cross-platform. | xonsh | 8405 |
- oils - for-unix | 2843 |
- verde - learning style | fatiando | 600 |
- goatools
- GSEApy
- CaCo - adversarial Contrastive Learning | maple-research-lab | 17 |
- nbstripout
- astromodels
- code-for-modeling-chapters
- Raindrop - harvard | 170 |
- hyperimpute
- decoupler-py
- iBKH - wanglab | 233 |
- echoes - learn compatible package. | fabridamicelli | 37 |
- deepdish - cs | 271 |
- NeuroKit
- Regressio
- gplearn - learn inspired API | trevorstephens | 1605 |
- pytorch_optimizer
- orjson
- neuroCombat - site imaging data with ComBat (Python) | Jfortin1 | 124 |
- pymatting
- auton-survival - an open source package for Regression, Counterfactual Estimation, Evaluation and Phenotyping with Censored Time-to-Events | autonlab | 321 |
- evotorch
- liesel - devs | 40 |
- lowbar - nonsense progress bar for python | AnnikaV9 | 382 |
- pygsp - lts2 | 485 |
- neuropythy
- Photogrammetry-Guide
- hmmlearn - learn like API | hmmlearn | 3059 |
- dit
- learned_optimization
- datasets
- equilib
- git-machete
- tsl
- surfdist
- learning-from-brains - supervised learning techniques for neuroimaging data inspired by prominent learning frameworks in natural language processing + One of the broadest neuroimaging datasets used for pre-training to date. | athms | 86 |
- correlate - force correlator for kinda-messy data | larryhastings | 82 |
- quaterion - tuning similarity learning models | qdrant | 638 |
- odin - of-distribution images in neural networks. | facebookresearch | 529 |
- surfify - deepinsight | 3 |
- narps_open_pipelines - Nezer et al., 2020) shared as an open resource for the community. | Inria-Empenn | 9 |
- nobrainer
- nobrainer-zoo
- niCHART - imaging brain aging chart [niCHART] is a comprehensive solution to analyze standard structural and functional brain MRI data across studies. [niCHART] and the associated pre-processing tools implement computational morphometry, functional signal analysis, quality control, statistical harmonization, data standardization, interactive visual | CBICA | 13 |
- red-mail
- rocketry
- SwissArmyTransformer
- fastdtw
- dynaconf
- torcharrow
- blackjax - devs | 824 |
- DynGDim - research-group | 10 |
- optimate - ai | 8373 |
- huey
- mlflow
- SimBiber - World | 427 |
- structlog
- PySlurmLite
- apex
- msgraph-sdk-python-core
- Office365-REST-Python-Client
- stereodemo
- SubTab - Supervised Representation Learning" | AstraZeneca | 142 |
- runx
- Awesome-FL
- mmcv - mmlab | 5882 |
- videogrep
- RG-Select
- proselint
- PyDaddy - lab | 92 |
- HOI_toolbox - order interactions toolbox | PranavMahajan25 | 10 |
- parcellation_fragmenter - equal sized parcels | miykael | 27 |
- NumGraph
- grequests
- shareddataset
- torchshow
- pysheds
- distrax - deepmind | 535 |
- lifelines
- Contextualized - style toolbox for estimating and analyzing models, distributions, and functions with context-specific parameters. | cnellington | 66 |
- fmriprep-slurm
- localstack
- dm_pix - deepmind | 387 |
- Efficient-Deep-Learning
- voxel-challenge - dev | 222 |
- deep-significance
- hypothetical
- hatch
- pymde - distortion embedding with PyTorch | cvxgrp | 537 |
- ResizeRight
- memray
- grafog - 16 | 127 |
- cleanlab - centric AI package for data quality and machine learning with messy, real-world data and labels. | cleanlab | 9671 |
- pynapple - org | 279 |
- thinc
- spatiotemporal
- pytorch-styleguide
- Arjun
- epistasis - order epistasis in genotype-phenotype maps. | harmslab | 33 |
- dask-jobqueue
- mle-monitor - infrastructure | 187 |
- mle-scheduler - infrastructure | 41 |
- tez - simple and lightweight Trainer for PyTorch. It also comes with many utils that you can use to tackle over 90% of deep learning projects in PyTorch. | abhishekkrthakur | 1160 |
- stumpy
- pyAFQ
- rogues
- efax
- stochman
- confound_prediction - isolating cross-validation approach to control for a confounding effect in a predictive model. | darya-chyzhyk | 38 |
- did-it-spill
- dude
- tablespoon - series Benchmark methods that are Simple and Probabilistic | alexhallam | 42 |
- scikit-multimodallearn
- DeepImageReconstruction
- PyParSVD - Maulik | 56 |
- EvalNE - Mara | 105 |
- koila
- trimesh
- shapely
- scikit-lego - learn pipelines. | koaning | 1267 |
- mercury
- pz - NIC | 729 |
- dcor - statistics in Python | vnmabus | 145 |
- pyod
- pyeer
- baycomp
- calibration-framework - OpenSource | 344 |
- larq - Source Library for Training Binarized Neural Networks | larq | 707 |
- pathos
- Scientific-Inkscape
- python-codext
- cassowary
- pyCircos
- brainrender
- hyppo
- espial - G | 173 |
- jaxopt
- pyspi
- DeepSpeed
- mne-connectivity - Python API. | mne-tools | 68 |
- frites
- IDTxl
- budoux
- budou
- diff-match-patch - performance library in multiple languages that manipulates plain text. | google | 7466 |
- ldsc
- PySpectrometer
- ann4brains
- dufte
- matplotx
- tueplots
- jina - native stack | jina-ai | 21065 |
- docarray
- xmanager - deepmind | 816 |
- pymdp - actively | 460 |
- torchdrug
- aesara - dimensional arrays. | aesara-devs | 1180 |
- neuromaps
- hackingtool
- Ciphey
- kuramoto
- pystitcher
- terrain-erosion-3-ways
- xbmc-addons-chinese
- python-ggseg - like visualizations | ggseg | 99 |
- KanaQuiz
- ddia - Intensive Application》DDIA中文翻译 | Vonng | 20368 |
- omnizart - and-Culture-Technology-Lab | 1629 |
- expan - source Python library for statistical analysis of randomised control trials (A/B tests) | zalando | 333 |
- Box
- toolz
- sparse - dimensional arrays for the PyData ecosystem | pydata | 597 |
- bottleneck
- xarray - D labeled arrays and datasets in Python | pydata | 3608 |
- scikit-plot - learn objects. | reiinakano | 2427 |
- pyecharts
- klepto
- ptyprocess
- Phoenix
- pexpect - terminal | pexpect | 2613 |
- itsdangerous
- jinja
- chardet
- chime
- pqdm
- doit
- toga
- shiv
- pydantic
- textual
- siuba
- pyhf - Python HistFactory implementation with tensors and autodiff | scikit-hep | 283 |
- cabinetry - hep | 27 |
- hepstats - hep | 71 |
- aghast - like statistics, sharable as Flatbuffers. | scikit-hep | 17 |
- awkward - like data with NumPy-like idioms. | scikit-hep | 837 |
- noto-emoji
- dm-haiku - based neural network library | google-deepmind | 2891 |
- Kaggle-BrainNetPrediction-Toolbox
- reservoirpy
- neural_cotraining
- visdom
- salina
- rl-baselines3-zoo - trained agents included. | DLR-RM | 2058 |
- pytorch-multi-gpu-training - zhuang | 766 |
- simba
- halp - group | 95 |
- Pyro5 - Python remote objects | irmen | 312 |
- netrep
- autoxgb
- jellylanguage
- vectorizers
- hamilton - framework for defining dataflows. THIS REPOSITORY HAS BEEN MOVED TO | stitchfix | 863 |
- nvidia-ml-py3
- xai-bench - Bench is a library for benchmarking feature attribution explainability techniques | abacusai | 56 |
- googler
- omegaconf
- TtoZ
- bagua
- graphsim
- swiftascmaps - inspired color maps | JBorrow | 81 |
- brain4views
- surfplot - ready brain surface figures | danjgale | 53 |
- glum
- ngboost
- Functionnectome
- stylegan3
- PsychRNN
- pynomo
- NVTabular - Merlin | 1047 |
- DecryptLogin
- MRtrix3_connectome - subject connection density normalisation, using the MRtrix3 software package. | bids-apps | 49 |
- Cameray
- dyneusr
- ActflowToolbox
- alibi
- borb
- warp-drive - to-End Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Framework on a GPU (JMLR 2022) | salesforce | 463 |
- Hyperactive
- pyRiemann
- similarity
- bpytop
- nitransforms
- tensortools
- ST-fMRI - temporal deep learning on functional MRI data | metrics-lab | 21 |
- supervenn - to-read multiple sets visualization in Python | gecko984 | 319 |
- Macast - platform application which using mpv as DLNA Media Renderer. | xfangfang | 6113 |
- stock
- nanslice - coding' | spinicist | 39 |
- anat-processing-book - Neuromod Project. | courtois-neuromod | 7 |
- voila - dashboards | 5450 |
- whoogle-search - hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine | benbusby | 9547 |
- pyinotify - m | 2289 |
- PokePalette
- autojump - easily navigate directories from the command line | wting | 16250 |
- cplot
- fmriclean
- scfc-coupling - function coupling. | zijin-gu | 16 |
- poldracklab-learning
- pingouin
- numpyeigen - overhead bindings between NumPy and Eigen | fwilliams | 138 |
- TorchSnooper
- qbatch
- projector-installer
- AI-System
- xhistogram - aware histograms for numpy and xarray | xgcm | 91 |
- how-to-write-makefile
- netplotbrain
- TractSeg - DKFZ | 227 |
- C-PAC - INDI | 63 |
- HALFpipe - friendly software that facilitates reproducible analysis of fMRI data | HALFpipe | 74 |
- trampolino - Pipeline cOmmand LINe tOol) is a CLI for brain tractography. It leverages Nipype to offer an immediate way to reconstruct an orientation distribution function, use it to track the streamlines and eventually filter them, all using existing software toolboxes. | matteomancini | 6 |
- fury - Free Unified Rendering in pYthon. | fury-gl | 245 |
- tinygrad
- pyWhat - san | 6583 |
- chefboost
- scientific-visualization-book
- LaZagne
- promnesia
- EfficientResearchWork
- lab
- topometry - dimensional data | davisidarta | 94 |
- jraph - deepmind | 1371 |
- youtube-dl - line program to download videos from and other video sites | ytdl-org | 132181 |
- dmipy - based microstructure estimation | AthenaEPI | 96 |
- missingno
- rsatoolbox
- openTSNE - SNE | pavlin-policar | 1466 |
- Nashpy
- Ciw
- netpyne - downstate-medical-center | 146 |
- nighres - resolution neuroimaging | nighres | 63 |
- PyContrast
- Algonauts2021_devkit - Dynamics-of-Visual-Cognition-FUB | 44 |
- pytorch_tabular
- TractLearn-WholeBrain - Weighted MRI quantitative analysis. | GeodAIsics | 8 |
- sos
- xitorch
- scalc
- jurigged
- potpourri3d
- tslearn - team | 2905 |
- PythonLinearNonlinearControl
- python-mini-projects - World | 14903 |
- minisom
- ott - research | 213 |
- bio2art
- communities
- YYeTsBot - collection | 14202 |
- diojit - oriented(DIO) programs. | thautwarm | 116 |
- rewise - complete wrapper | s0md3v | 73 |
- BluePyOpt
- playwright-python
- gopup
- reloadr
- redbaron - up approach to refactoring in python | PyCQA | 696 |
- mpl-scatter-density
- Deep-Forest - NJU | 912 |
- depthai
- matplotlib_surface_plotting
- training_extensions
- Ryven - based visual scripting for Python | leon-thomm | 3804 |
- pytorch_geometric_temporal
- GHunt
- hbnm
- hcga - Code for network phenotyping | barahona-research-group | 44 |
- steampy
- caer - performance Vision library in Python. Scale your research, not boilerplate. | jasmcaus | 772 |
- neural-identity - mansour | 15 |
- funct
- BrainPy
- slack-export
- calplot
- submitit
- ranges
- datasketch
- bounter
- mmdetection - mmlab | 29504 |
- PyTorch-GAN
- imgclsmob
- cerberus
- MONAI - MONAI | 5810 |
- pyblaze - Scale Machine and Deep Learning in PyTorch. | borchero | 21 |
- pycave - Scale Datasets in PyTorch. | borchero | 126 |
- causal-curve
- OctoPrint
- sktime-dl - companion package for deep learning based on TensorFlow | sktime | 595 |
- sktime
- stanza
- hummingbird
- diagrams
- PrettyErrors
- datasette - tool for exploring and publishing data | simonw | 9521 |
- xgcm
- Super_Selfish
- riptable
- AOMIC-common-scripts - UvA | 8 |
- opytimizer - heuristic optimization algorithms. | gugarosa | 603 |
- frosch
- aim - to-use & supercharged open-source experiment tracker. | aimhubio | 5203 |
- yt-dlc
- warp-cli - free. | JustinTimperio | 63 |
- probnum - numerics | 438 |
- Automation-scripts - geeks | 963 |
- marley - agent reinforcement learning. | cool-RR | 271 |
- GraphGallery
- bbox-visualizer
- subliminal
- fuck-coding-interviews
- pwnagotchi - Deep Reinforcement Learning instrumenting bettercap for WiFi pwning. | evilsocket | 7705 |
- rsmf - size my figures | johannesjmeyer | 174 |
- tweepy
- rex-gym - source quadruped robot (SpotMicro) | nicrusso7 | 983 |
- pytorch-GANs
- datasets - to-use datasets for ML models with fast, easy-to-use and efficient data manipulation tools | huggingface | 19217 |
- peepdf
- parsl - a Python parallel scripting library | Parsl | 503 |
- ultimate-python
- FinanceToolkit
- ciftify - HCP datasets | edickie | 114 |
- genrl
- pydra
- clinicadl - lab | 162 |
- AD-ML - lab | 40 |
- eagerpy
- jax_cosmo
- Transfer-Learning-Library
- urh
- tenacity
- kornia
- qaqarot
- book
- neurogym
- pooch
- CMasher
- snorkel - team | 5806 |
- Sequencer - dimensional sequences in complex datasets | dalya | 118 |
- numexpr
- cheatsheets
- Recommender-System
- deepsnap - stanford | 546 |
- Better-Python-59-Ways
- dgl-lifesci
- caliban
- docker-git-webhook
- confounds
- fooof - tools | 362 |
- aqtinstall - platforms | miurahr | 934 |
- pybids - standard | 222 |
- acme - deepmind | 3499 |
- pandas_alive
- mlfinlab - and-thames | 3971 |
- texar-pytorch - | asyml | 746 |
- SymJAX
- blackhat-python3
- distributedRL
- stable-baselines - a | 4159 |
- stable-baselines3 - RM | 9041 |
- scikit-opt
- interrogate
- open_lth - sourcing lottery ticket hypothesis code. | facebookresearch | 626 |
- Personae
- nni - parameter tuning. | microsoft | 14038 |
- rich
- SciencePlots
- Learning-to-See-in-the-Dark
- PythonSIFT - Invariant Feature Transform) | rmislam | 928 |
- ndindex - Labs | 97 |
- gym-super-mario-bros
- alfred - py: A deep learning utility library for **human**, more detail about the usage of lib to: | lucasjinreal | 900 |
- invoke
- celluloid
- dominance-analysis - analysis | 152 |
- ReAgent
- torchlayers - like) for PyTorch layers and neural networks | szymonmaszke | 568 |
- optuna
- equadratures
- rxivist
- ptan
- covid-sanity - 19 | karpathy | 361 |
- RLs
- norse
- autonomous-learning-library
- reinforcement-learning
- spinning-up-basic
- Reinforcement-learning-with-tensorflow
- RL_code - code for beginners. Enjoying! | Teacher-Guo | 111 |
- Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Algorithms-with-PyTorch - christ | 5633 |
- tianshou - ml | 7934 |
- eat_tensorflow2_in_30_days
- Stock-Trading-Environment
- matplotlib-3d
- - optimized string library for heavy-text manipulation in Python | btwael | 250 |
- seirsplus - structured populations, testing, contact tracing, and social distancing. | ryansmcgee | 660 |
- neural_manifolds_replicaMFT
- minimal-hand
- prefect
- AnimeGAN - world photos into anime images. | TachibanaYoshino | 4492 |
- whynot
- memory_profiler
- python-cheatsheet
- pytorch-soft-actor-critic
- scilpy
- portion
- hcp2bids
- c-elegans-control
- horovod
- GraphNeuralNetwork
- gluonts
- riskquant - Skunkworks | 610 |
- blessings
- NPEET - parametric Entropy Estimation Toolbox | gregversteeg | 375 |
- Chaos
- kepler-mapper - tda | 631 |
- pydash - Dash Javascript library. | dgilland | 1325 |
- OneForAll
- ndlib - (for NetworkX and iGraph) | GiulioRossetti | 273 |
- python-colorlog
- PyTorch-VAE
- Proxies
- beets
- yewtube - youtube , is a Terminal based YouTube player and downloader. No Youtube API key required. | mps-youtube | 8109 |
- music-dl
- spotify-downloader
- pyphi
- tf2-gnn
- rlax - deepmind | 1257 |
- bidict
- ogb - stanford | 1939 |
- cdlib
- mplhep - hep | 188 |
- prl - source library for a reinforcement learning research. | opium-sh | 54 |
- tensorflow-generative-model-collections
- pytracking
- pytorch-cnn-visualizations
- Lihang
- graph-normalizing-flows
- opnieuw
- GraphRicciCurvature
- threadpoolctl
- inlinec - t | 477 |
- catalyst - team | 3289 |
- pymdptoolbox
- stochastic
- neurolib - brain modeling for computational neuroscientists 🧠💻👩🏿🔬 | neurolib-dev | 406 |
- codetiming
- mici - graham | 219 |
- openpilot
- gin-config
- trax
- imgaug
- the-gan-zoo
- pandapy
- pytorch-metric-learning
- CogDL
- torchio
- PyCX - based sample code repository for complex systems research and education. | hsayama | 220 |
- matplotlib-tutorial
- proplot - quality graphics | proplot-dev | 1115 |
- guider
- PhotoWakeUpHMR
- dm_memorytasks - learning tasks that require memory to solve. | google-deepmind | 221 |
- plumbum
- boto3
- remi
- tnt
- trio - trio | 6184 |
- metaflow
- streamlit
- pyodide
- GPT2-Chinese
- Pyrr
- normalizing-flows
- GPy
- quantumflow
- dimensionality_reduction_alo_codes
- EnAET - Trained Ensemble AutoEncoding Transformations for Semi-Supervised Learning | wang3702 | 69 |
- sickchill
- HackingNeuralNetworks
- mitogen - replicating programs in Python | mitogen-hq | 2340 |
- dovpanda - dev | 473 |
- click
- Metrics
- Ax
- cachier - free, local and cross-machine caching for Python functions. | python-cachier | 554 |
- pyperf
- traceml
- ydata-profiling
- optimus - cuDF, Vaex and PySpark | hi-primus | 1479 |
- python-ftfy
- pandas_flavor - devs | 299 |
- pandas-log - log is to provide feedback about basic pandas operations. It provides simple wrapper functions for the most common functions that add additional logs | eyaltrabelsi | 214 |
- knockknock
- recursive
- deep_learning_object_detection
- KernelGCN
- MouseBrainHierarchy
- pytorch-OpCounter
- detectron2
- hyperopt
- pyzotero
- fairseq - to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python. | facebookresearch | 30431 |
- tensor2tensor
- trip-planner
- cvxpylayers
- livelossplot
- h36m-fetch
- PHATE - diffusion for Affinity-based Transition Embedding) is a tool for visualizing high dimensional data. | KrishnaswamyLab | 471 |
- torchani
- tSNE-Animation - SNE implementation to animate embedding process | KellerJordan | 53 |
- trimap - scale Dimensionality Reduction Using Triplets | eamid | 304 |
- deep-kernel-transfer - Learning for the Few-Shot Setting via Deep Kernels" (NeurIPS 2020) | BayesWatch | 200 |
- neural-structured-learning
- HCP-Tractography - NILab | 9 |
- abcd-hcp-pipeline - Labs | 50 |
- python-topology - to-use module for dealing with topological data in python. | CarsonScott | 5 |
- captum
- sotabench-eval
- torchbench
- robel - cost robots | google-research | 139 |
- DeepCCA
- HRERE - inn | 69 |
- metriclearningbench
- pyglmnet - net regularized generalized linear models | glm-tools | 280 |
- graphbrain
- backpack
- higher
- pytorch_memlab
- Greedy_InfoMax - to-End: Gradient-Isolated Learning of Representations | loeweX | 284 |
- Cyberbrain-Deprecated
- Torchelie
- BioNEV
- torchdatasets
- torchfunc
- cupy
- opt_einsum
- Efficient-PyTorch
- DeepESN
- pyquil
- graphsage-simple
- pytorch_active_learning - in-the-Loop Machine Learning book | rmunro | 937 |
- howdoi
- tqdm_multi_thread - thread helper | boydfd | 12 |
- pytorch-tutorial
- kubernetes-workshop
- pyvista
- organize
- abagen
- awkward-0.x - hep | 215 |
- OptimalLinkPrediction
- transformers - of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX. | huggingface | 134331 |
- pymanopt
- arsenal
- DeepMouse - guided deep neural networks | arnaghosh | 3 |
- clip-as-service - ai | 12434 |
- TopologyLayer - gabrielsson | 374 |
- superintendent
- distribution-is-all-you-need
- mouse_connectivity_models
- Long-range-micro-connectome - neocortex connectome | BlueBrain | 10 |
- reinforcement-learning-an-introduction
- TensorLayer
- D3DShot
- diff2vec
- awesome-data-comp-solution
- viscm
- vapeplot
- py-findpeaks
- openqasm
- floweaver
- pyheatmagic
- snoop
- heartrate
- sistine
- apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform! | caronc | 11902 |
- geomloss
- NetDynFlow - BCA | 10 |
- vedo
- torchprof - by-layer model profiler | awwong1 | 608 |
- gpytorch - gp | 3566 |
- python-hunter
- smiley - debugger | 392 |
- behave
- Axelrod - Python | 726 |
- CSrankings
- numpy-ml
- mbbl
- examples
- pystan2 - dev | 920 |
- rlpyt
- multiscalebrainparcellator - Scale Brain Parcellator, part of the Connectome Mapping Toolkit (CMTK), is a BIDS App that implements a full anatomical MRI processing pipeline, from raw T1w data to structural brain parcellation at five different scales. | sebastientourbier | 11 |
- skggm - learn compatible estimation of general graphical models | skggm | 241 |
- tf-gnn-samples
- posthoc - hoc modification of linear models | wmvanvliet | 8 |
- pypes
- gconvRNN - epfl | 178 |
- Brancher - centered Python package for differentiable probabilistic inference | AI-DI | 203 |
- P-GNN - aware Graph Neural Networks | JiaxuanYou | 395 |
- TensorNetwork
- OpenBCI_Python - archive | 508 |
- AttentionWalk
- ASTGCN-2019-mxnet - r-pytorch | Davidham3 | 390 |
- gated-graph-transformer-network
- KnowledgeGraphEmbedding
- munkres
- ray - project | 33713 |
- dvc
- datalad - annex | datalad | 540 |
- Generative-Adversarial-Networks-Roadmap
- beta
- videoflow - processing based applications in a multiprocessing environment. | videoflow | 1008 |
- ubc-cluster-goodies - vision | 36 |
- elkai
- pydebug
- awesome-decision-tree-papers
- theoretical-physics
- arXausality - so-often-updated collection of every causality + machine learning paper submitted to arXiv in the recent past. | logangraham | 413 |
- backup-slack
- spectral_inference_networks - deepmind | 171 |
- GraphWaveletNeuralNetwork
- walklets - scale Network Embeddings" (ASONAM 2017). | benedekrozemberczki | 104 |
- MixHop-and-N-GCN - Order Graph Convolutional Architectures via Sparsified Neighborhood Mixing" (ICML 2019). | benedekrozemberczki | 402 |
- PyNets
- stackprinter - friendly exceptions for Python | cknd | 1282 |
- Meshroom
- adaptive - adaptive | 1165 |
- multi-armed-bandit - armed-bandit problem. | lilianweng | 397 |
- dl4chem-geometry - dl | 62 |
- IsingBornMachine
- NetMF
- pandarallel
- regressions
- structural-probes - hewitt | 381 |
- minimc
- WolframClientForPython
- PyTorch-BigGraph - scale graph-structured data. | facebookresearch | 3379 |
- pomegranate
- modin - project | 9863 |
- keras-gat
- pytorch_structure2vec - Dai | 307 |
- ValueBasedPrioritization
- PsyNeuLink
- AmpliGraph
- scibert
- UniRep
- scikit-tda - tda | 526 |
- RLexample - rlcourse | 1215 |
- PythonSpiderNotes
- Splitter
- paper-tips-and-tricks
- tutorial-dlframework - by-step tutorial to improve understanding of common operators in Deep Learning frameworks. | kbreininger | 39 |
- YOLOw-Keras
- ClassicComputerScienceProblemsInPython
- chainer-nri
- python-control - control | 1698 |
- qutip
- GraphEmbedding
- mlrose
- pdftools
- powerful-gnns
- OpenNRE-PyTorch
- easydict
- multitask
- probtorch
- vel - learning research | MillionIntegrals | 276 |
- baselines - quality implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms | openai | 15778 |
- homework - 112. | berkeleydeeprlcourse | 1565 |
- firedup
- machine_learning_refined
- Tensorflow-Cookbook - to-use | taki0112 | 2778 |
- tensorboardX
- pudb - screen console debugger for Python | inducer | 2971 |
- neural-pipeline
- gpt-2
- strawberryfields - stack Python library for designing, simulating, and optimizing continuous variable (CV) quantum optical circuits. | XanaduAI | 754 |
- dtw - robotics | 1160 |
- zsl-gcn-pth - shot-gcn in pytorch | ruotianluo | 80 |
- glom
- iclr19-graph2graph - to-Graph Translation for Molecular Optimization (ICLR 2019) | wengong-jin | 147 |
- dyconnmap
- spektral
- pytorch-classification
- hvplot - level plotting API for pandas, dask, xarray, and networkx built on HoloViews | holoviz | 1126 |
- great_expectations - expectations | 9960 |
- grid-cells - based navigation using grid-like representations in artificial agents, as published at | google-deepmind | 246 |
- Evaluation_Framework_For_Graph_Embedding - Ben-Hassan | 26 |
- Deep-reinforcement-learning-with-pytorch
- pytorch-goodies
- pyGAT
- NRI - pytorch | ethanfetaya | 739 |
- planetoid - supervised learning with graph embeddings | kimiyoung | 883 |
- ocr_densenet - -图片文字识别)第一名;仅采用densenet识别图中文字 | yinchangchang | 459 |
- torchgan
- constrained-graph-variational-autoencoder
- pygcn
- ComputationalNeurodynamics
- gcn_metric_learning
- Deep_Metric - wangxun | 778 |
- many-to-many-dijkstra - voltage electrical distribution grid infrastructure using publicly available data sources. | facebookresearch | 231 |
- boltons
- - G | 5079 |
- changes
- cookiecutter-pypackage
- professional-programming
- dowhy - why | 7094 |
- pyinstrument
- LanczosNetwork
- netflows
- bindsnet
- logpy
- MejiasEtAl2016 - dependent interactions in a large-scale laminar network of the primate cortex | OpenSourceBrain | 10 |
- pypyls
- pyDML
- AdventOfCode2018
- DeepMoji - of-the-art deep learning model for analyzing sentiment, emotion, sarcasm etc. | bfelbo | 1517 |
- Statistical-Learning-Method_Code - o | 11040 |
- audiolazy
- GraKeL - learn compatible library for graph kernels | ysig | 598 |
- pytorch_geometric - team | 21290 |
- kmnist - MNIST, Kuzushiji-49, and Kuzushiji-Kanji | rois-codh | 694 |
- wtfiswronghere
- loguru
- simple_workflow - executable neuroimaging publication (code) | ReproNim | 8 |
- pna-notebooks - neuroimaging | 17 |
- pna2015 - neuroimaging | 26 |
- nipype-beginner-s-guide
- mriqc
- dgl
- m2g - connectome estimation package and pipeline | neurodata | 65 |
- lite_tracer
- DynamicGEM
- awesome-graph-classification
- d2l-zh - ai | 63235 |
- gandissect - based tools for visualizing and understanding the neurons of a GAN. | CSAILVision | 1771 |
- representation_mixing
- dask
- einops
- GAT - | 3221 |
- trfl - deepmind | 3135 |
- spinningup
- yoda - pa | 737 |
- MoguTDA
- metric-learn - learn-contrib | 1396 |
- vscode-tools-for-ai
- crocs
- graph_nets - deepmind | 5357 |
- rethinking-network-pruning - mingjie | 1508 |
- panel
- ruptures
- wifiphisher
- Python
- OpenNMT-py
- deepo
- neurodocker
- sotawhat
- richclub
- gcn
- s-tui - based CPU stress and monitoring utility | amanusk | 4210 |
- logme
- DouBanSpider
- jupytext
- brainconn
- bctpy
- pytheory
- umap
- linqit
- coconut
- papermill
- python-fire
- PyTricks
- trackerjacker
- Deep-Learning-Roadmap
- notifiers
- Cirq
- Lenia - Mathematical Life Forms | Chakazul | 3543 |
- lihang_book_algorithm
- mne-python - tools | 2708 |
- oh-my-tuna
- mezzanine
- google-ctf
- pytorch-summary
- kaggle-api
- write-ups-2017 - like CTF write-ups repository, maintained by the community. 2017 | ctfs | 2137 |
- DeepLearn
- QuSimPy - Qubit Ideal Quantum Computer Simulator | adamisntdead | 719 |
- SerpentAI
- NeuroinformaticsTutorial
- tensorflow-exercises - focusing on the comparison with NumPy. | Kyubyong | 536 |
- numpy_exercises
- sacred
- ReCurta
- nolds - dimensional time series) | CSchoel | 261 |
- genpac
- docopt - line interfaces with Python | docopt | 7944 |
- python-patterns - site by Brandon Rhodes | brandon-rhodes | 1325 |
- neuronaldynamics-exercises - LCN | 251 |
- Keras-GAN
- requests-html
- 30-seconds-of-python
- colour - science | 2116 |
- icecream
- ctf-wiki - wiki | 8219 |
- CTFd
- statsmodels
- noteshrink
- paperwork - - Moved to Gnome's Gitlab | openpaperwork | 2433 |
- jrnl - org | 6481 |
- pysheeet
- vprof
- line_profiler - by-line profiling for Python - Current repo -> | rkern | 3605 |
- tqdm
- Gooey
- kivy
- glances
- WeRoBot
- fabtools
- cuisine - like functionality for Fabric | sebastien | 1260 |
- fabric
- logbook
- wechatpy
- ItChat
- requestium
- PTable
- uiautomator
- neural-enhance
- viz
- pyro - ppl | 8549 |
- PyTorchZeroToAll
- Cr3dOv3r
- ailearning
- thefuck
- MechanicalSoup
- spotifylyrics
- Awesome-Linux-Software - komorebi | 22232 |
- pycadl
- wtfpython
- tinychain - sized implementation of Bitcoin | jamesob | 1450 |
- aws-spot-bot
- hyperas
- zhihuToKindle
- keras - team | 61976 |
- stack-overflow-import
- models
- sukhoi
- ML-From-Scratch
- MLAlgorithms
- algorithms
- reddit - archive | 16804 |
- python-patterns
- neuroSummerSchools
- SinaSpider
- weibospider
- Chaos
- rapping-neural-network
- HelloGitHub - level open source projects on GitHub. | 521xueweihan | 92619 |
- zhihu-api
- weibo_terminater
- articles
- public-apis - apis | 316604 |
- sonnet - based neural network library | google-deepmind | 9768 |
- whereami
- interactive-coding-challenges
- fuck-login
- generative-models
- convert-sep - book style document for Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) entries. | mondain-dev | 8 |
- FreeWifi
- game-programmer
- dynet_tutorial_examples
- numpy-100
- TrumpScript
- fetch-some-proxies
- TensorFlow-and-DeepLearning-Tutorial
- Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap
- ntfy
- TopDeepLearning
- arxiv-sanity-preserver
- gym
- you-get
- big-list-of-naughty-strings - input data. | minimaxir | 46184 |
- linux-insides
- neural-network-from-scratch
- nltk
- jieba
- PyRates - source, graph-based Python code generator and analysis toolbox for dynamical systems (pre-implemented and custom models). Most pre-implemented models belong to the family of neural population models. | pyrates-neuroscience | 74 |
- ClusterGCN - GCN: An Efficient Algorithm for Training Deep and Large Graph Convolutional Networks" (KDD 2019). | benedekrozemberczki | 786 |
- awesome-aws
- TopFreeProxies
- awesome-discord-communities
- awesome-python
- LeetCode
- awesome-math
- awesome-machine-learning
- cross-species-mapper
- pyvideotrans
- torchsde - research | 1577 |
- neuromancer - based framework for solving parametric constrained optimization problems, physics-informed system identification, and parametric model predictive control. | pnnl | 912 |
- cellrank - view single-cell data | theislab | 347 |
- gallery-dl - line program to download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites | mikf | 11787 |
- GSTools - A geostatistical toolbox: random fields, variogram estimation, covariance models, kriging and much more | GeoStat-Framework | 566 |
- optimistix - finding, least squares, ...) in JAX+Equinox. | patrick-kidger | 326 |
- BlenderSpike - on to bring animations from NEURON | ArtemKirsanov | 154 |
- scikit-multilearn - learn based module for multi-label et. al. classification | scikit-multilearn | 921 |
- fastplotlib - gen fast plotting library running on WGPU using the pygfx rendering engine | fastplotlib | 407 |
- whisper - Scale Weak Supervision | openai | 70633 |
- emerge - based interactive codebase and dependency visualization tool for many different programming languages. It supports some basic code quality and graph metrics and provides a simple and intuitive way to explore and analyze a codebase by using graph structures. | glato | 827 |
- soft-dtw - DTW. | mblondel | 546 |
- rl - first, python-first PyTorch library for Reinforcement Learning. | pytorch | 2307 |
- rich-cli - cli is a command line toolbox for fancy output in the terminal | Textualize | 3070 |
- py-upset - python implementation of the UpSet suite of visualisation methods by Lex, Gehlenborg et al. | ImSoErgodic | 314 |
- python-diskcache - backed cache (Django-compatible). Faster than Redis and Memcached. Pure-Python. | grantjenks | 2373 |
- PySimpleGUI - rated Python application development environment. Launched in 2018 and actively developed, maintained, and supported in 2024. Transforms tkinter, Qt, WxPython, and Remi into a simple, intuitive, and fun experience for both hobbyists and expert users. | PySimpleGUI | 13416 |
- hypertools - dimensional data | ContextLab | 1825 |
- annotated_deep_learning_paper_implementations - by-side notes 📝; including transformers (original, xl, switch, feedback, vit, ...), optimizers (adam, adabelief, sophia, ...), gans(cyclegan, stylegan2, ...), 🎮 reinforcement learning (ppo, dqn), capsnet, distillation, ... 🧠 | labmlai | 55861 |
- ArchiveBox - hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more... | ArchiveBox | 22060 |
- ElegantRL - Foundation | 3720 |
- mmselfsup - Supervised Learning Toolbox and Benchmark | open-mmlab | 3193 |
- zhusuan - ml | 2203 |
- BrainSpace - access toolbox that allows for the identification and analysis of gradients from neuroimaging and connectomics datasets \| available in both Python and Matlab \| | MICA-MNI | 185 |
- contextualise - heavy projects and activities consisting of unstructured and widely diverse data and information resources | brettkromkamp | 1052 |
- karateclub - source Python Framework for Unsupervised Learning on Graphs (CIKM 2020) | benedekrozemberczki | 2155 |
- fastapi
- ignite - level library to help with training and evaluating neural networks in PyTorch flexibly and transparently. | pytorch | 4527 |
- OpenNE - Source Package for Network Embedding (NE) | thunlp | 1683 |
- giotto-tda - performance topological machine learning toolbox in Python | giotto-ai | 853 |
- cs230-code-examples - stanford | 3868 |
- nvidia-htop - smi. | peci1 | 540 |
- typedb-ml - ML is the Machine Learning integrations library for TypeDB | typedb | 550 |
- pywt - Wavelet Transforms in Python | PyWavelets | 2062 |
- quantum-neural-networks - variable quantum neural networks". Due to subsequent interface upgrades, these scripts will work only with Strawberry Fields version <= 0.10.0. | XanaduAI | 299 |
- pypot - project | 253 |
- pennylane - platform Python library for quantum computing, quantum machine learning, and quantum chemistry. Train a quantum computer the same way as a neural network. | PennyLaneAI | 2339 |
- attrs - attrs | 5287 |
- NLP-progress - of-the-art for the most common NLP tasks. | sebastianruder | 22666 |
- explore-python - funny | 2612 |
- data-science-ipython-notebooks - learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AWS, and various command lines. | donnemartin | 27420 |
- transferlearning - task learning etc. Papers, codes, datasets, applications, tutorials.-迁移学习 | jindongwang | 13420 |
- pypalettes
- moderngl
- quivr
- jc - line tools, file-types, and common strings to JSON, YAML, or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and simplifying automation scripts. | kellyjonbrazil | 7880 |
- xplique - ai | 639 |
- zoofs - inspired wrapper algorithms. The algorithms range from swarm-intelligence to physics-based to Evolutionary. It's easy to use , flexible and powerful tool to reduce your feature size. | jaswinder9051998 | 241 |
- External-Attention-pytorch - parameter, Convolution, which is helpful to further understand papers.⭐⭐⭐ | xmu-xiaoma666 | 11439 |
- skrub - data | 1206 |
- pytorch-image-models - - ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, NFNet, Vision Transformer (ViT), MobileNetV4, MobileNet-V3 & V2, RegNet, DPN, CSPNet, Swin Transformer, MaxViT, CoAtNet, ConvNeXt, and more | huggingface | 32093 |
- ckan - source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data. It powers,, among many other sites. | ckan | 4455 |
- gpustat - line utility for querying and monitoring GPU status | wookayin | 4057 |
- vaex - of-Core hybrid Apache Arrow/NumPy DataFrame for Python, ML, visualization and exploration of big tabular data at a billion rows per second 🚀 | vaexio | 8290 |
- pretrain-gnns - training Graph Neural Networks | snap-stanford | 965 |
- SingleHDR - Image HDR Reconstruction by Learning to Reverse the Camera Pipeline | alex04072000 | 546 |
- figures_from_pca_paper
- langgraph - ai | 6455 |
- Easy-Graph - source network analysis library designed to cover advanced network processing methods. It includes functionalities for detecting structural hole spanners, network embedding, and various classic network analysis techniques. | easy-graph | 393 |
- torchdynamo - level JIT compiler designed to make unmodified PyTorch programs faster. | pytorch | 1009 |
- torchmetrics - AI | 2131 |
- lux - org | 5175 |
- mctx - deepmind | 2341 |
- alpa - scale neural networks with auto parallelization. | alpa-projects | 3069 |
- typer
- PettingZoo - agent reinforcement learning environments, with popular reference environments and related utilities | Farama-Foundation | 2610 |
- deepchem - Learning for Drug Discovery, Quantum Chemistry, Materials Science and Biology | deepchem | 5485 |
- mem0
- torchgeo - trained models for geospatial data | microsoft | 2727 |
- lmfit-py - Linear Least Squares Minimization, with flexible Parameter settings, based on scipy.optimize, and with many additional classes and methods for curve fitting. | lmfit | 1070 |
- krakencoder
- FindMyFlipper
- nemos
- zarr-python - dimensional arrays for Python. | zarr-developers | 1514 |
- kotaemon - source RAG-based tool for chatting with your documents. | Cinnamon | 15612 |
- pymacaroons
- llm - line | simonw | 4602 |
- bigtree
- copilot-patterns - Native development, curated by our community. Discover useful tips and tricks for leveraging tools to improve your AI development process. | yuhattor | 304 |
- mitmproxy - capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers. | mitmproxy | 36678 |
- explainshell - line arguments to their help text | idank | 13225 |
- narwhals - dev | 545 |
- embetter
- outlines - ai | 9101 |
- usbkill - forensic kill-switch that waits for a change on your USB ports and then immediately shuts down your computer. | hephaest0s | 4424 |
- imbalanced-learn - learn-contrib | 6830 |
- d2l-en - framework code, math, and discussions. Adopted at 500 universities from 70 countries including Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge. | d2l-ai | 23697 |
- system-design-primer - scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards. | donnemartin | 273968 |
- keras-rl - rl | 5524 |
- zhihu-oauth - py3 项目的替代者,目前还在实验阶段 | 7sDream | 1222 |
- DeepLearningFlappyBird - learning). | yenchenlin | 6657 |
- niftyone - scale neuroimaging visualization using FiftyOne | childmindresearch | 4 |
- styx
- s3ql
- moshi - labs | 6593 |
- pyinfra - hoc commands and write declarative operations. Target SSH servers, local machine and Docker containers. Fast and scales from one server to thousands. | pyinfra-dev | 3899 |
- puncia - Official CLI utility for Subdomain Center & Exploit Observer. | ARPSyndicate | 637 |
- scikit-fda - UAM | 301 |
- nevergrad - free optimization | facebookresearch | 3957 |
- netgraph - quality network visualisations in python | paulbrodersen | 683 |
- siibra-python - Python client | FZJ-INM1-BDA | 48 |
- BackdoorBox - sourced Python toolbox for backdoor attacks and defenses. | THUYimingLi | 452 |
- spectral_connectivity - Kramer-Lab | 122 |
- PyFlow - source tool for visual and modular block programming in python | Bycelium | 1274 |
- more-itertools - itertools | 3731 |
- scalene - performance, high-precision CPU, GPU, and memory profiler for Python with AI-powered optimization proposals | plasma-umass | 12139 |
- SuperSuit - Foundation | 452 |
- sciluigi - weight wrapper library around Spotify's Luigi workflow library to make writing scientific workflows more fluent, flexible and modular | pharmbio | 334 |
- tequila - Level Abstraction Framework for Quantum Algorithms | tequilahub | 366 |
- pathpy - order and multi-order graphical models. | pathpy | 85 |
- littleballoffur - A graph sampling extension library for NetworKit and NetworkX (CIKM 2020) | benedekrozemberczki | 702 |
- pytorch-cifar100 - ResNetv2, Xception, Resnet In Resnet, ResNext,ShuffleNet, ShuffleNetv2, MobileNet, MobileNetv2, SqueezeNet, NasNet, Residual Attention Network, SENet, WideResNet) | weiaicunzai | 4269 |
- MMdnn - operate among different deep learning frameworks. E.g. model conversion and visualization. Convert models between Caffe, Keras, MXNet, Tensorflow, CNTK, PyTorch Onnx and CoreML. | microsoft | 5795 |
- pytorch-optimizer - optimizer -- collection of optimizers for Pytorch | jettify | 3033 |
- stellargraph - Machine Learning on Graphs | stellargraph | 2945 |
- numpyro - ppl | 2183 |
- C1GamesStarterKit - algo and a basic CLI for running/debugging algo's locally. | correlation-one | 228 |
- ludwig - code framework for building custom LLMs, neural networks, and other AI models | ludwig-ai | 11168 |
- - over-HTTPS • 🔥 Poor Man's VPN • ⏪ Reverse & ⏩ Forward • 👮🏿 "Proxy Server" framework • 🌐 "Web Server" framework • ➵ ➶ ➷ ➠ "PubSub" framework • 👷 "Work" acceptor & executor framework | abhinavsingh | 3046 |
- learn2learn - learning Research | learnables | 2656 |
- pytorch-meta - loaders for few-shot learning & meta-learning in PyTorch | tristandeleu | 1981 |
- qiskit - source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of extended quantum circuits, operators, and primitives. | Qiskit | 5231 |
- Pytorch-Quaternion-Neural-Networks - valued Neural Networks in PyTorch | Orkis-Research | 205 |
- ProjectQ - Framework | 888 |
- pgmpy
- prettytable
- serve - native stack | jina-ai | 21105 |
- Gradient-Free-Optimizers - based and sequential techniques in numerical discrete search spaces. | SimonBlanke | 1204 |
- pyssl - Supervised Learning in PyTorch | giakoumoglou | 126 |
- pyssl - Supervised Learning in PyTorch | p-giakoumoglou | 127 |
- pytorch-forecasting
- jax - ml | 30387 |
- depyf
- GeometricKernels - kernels | 217 |
- tools - core community. | nf-core | 241 |
- abseil-py
- aider - AI | 21232 |
- Brain-Cog - inspired Cognitive Intelligence Engine (BrainCog) is a brain-inspired spiking neural network based platform for Brain-inspired Artificial Intelligence and simulating brains at multiple scales. The long term goal of BrainCog is to provide a comprehensive theory and system to decode the mechanisms and principles of human intelligence and its evolution, and develop artificial brains for brain-inspired conscious living AI in future Human-AI symbiotic Society. | BrainCog-X | 448 |
- Kats - to-use, generalizable, and extendable framework to perform time series analysis, from understanding the key statistics and characteristics, detecting change points and anomalies, to forecasting future trends. | facebookresearch | 4928 |
- Graph-U-Nets - Nets (ICML19) | HongyangGao | 519 |
- tavern - line tool and Python library and Pytest plugin for automated testing of RESTful APIs, with a simple, concise and flexible YAML-based syntax | taverntesting | 1027 |
- poincare-embeddings - 17 paper "Poincaré Embeddings for Learning Hierarchical Representations" | facebookresearch | 1675 |
- magic-wormhole - wormhole | 20325 |
- coursera-dl - dl | 9372 |
- python_koans - Learn Python through TDD | gregmalcolm | 4953 |
- newspaper - text, and article metadata extraction in Python 3. Advanced docs: | codelucas | 14139 |
- dl-docker - in-one Docker image for deep learning. Contains all the popular DL frameworks (TensorFlow, Theano, Torch, Caffe, etc.) | floydhub | 3861 |
- scikit-decide
- discrete-optimization - use of discrete optimization problems and solvers. | airbus | 41 |
- pypop - 2024] PyPop7: A Pure-Python Library for POPulation-based Black-Box Optimization (BBO), especially their *Large-Scale* versions/variants (-> evolutionary algorithms/swarm-based optimizers/pattern search/...). | Evolutionary-Intelligence | 204 |
- nicegui - based user interfaces with Python. The nice way. | zauberzeug | 9952 |
- MRzero-Core
- deepmriprep - based preprocessing of MRI data: Prepping brain images in seconds 🔥 | wwu-mmll | 19 |
- 0xtools - Ray vision for Linux systems | tanelpoder | 1445 |
- rapids_singlecell - accelerated tool for scRNA analysis. Offers seamless scverse compatibility for efficient single-cell data processing and analysis. | scverse | 147 |
- PathPicker - - output from git commands, grep results, searches -- pretty much anything. After parsing the input, PathPicker presents you with a nice UI to select which files you're interested in. After that you can open them in your favorite editor or execute arbitrary commands. | facebook | 5123 |
- Factorio-SAT - O-C-K-E-T | 661 |
- densvis - preserving data visualization tools den-SNE and densMAP | hhcho | 110 |
- anomalib - of-the-art algorithms and features such as experiment management, hyper-parameter optimization, and edge inference. | openvinotoolkit | 3775 |
- python-benedict - in I/O operations (base64, csv, html, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xls, xml, yaml), s3 support and many utilities. | fabiocaccamo | 1502 |
- pyribs - bones Python library for quality diversity optimization. | icaros-usc | 210 |
- vllm - throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs | vllm-project | 29515 |
- pytorch-topological - lab | 156 |
- BayesianOptimization - optimization | 7880 |
- lineax - kidger | 351 |
- equinox - to-use neural networks + scientific computing in JAX. | patrick-kidger | 2097 |
- scikit-survival - learn | sebp | 1133 |
- feature_engine - engine | 1912 |
- puncc - ai | 294 |
- secure-code-game - repo learning experience, where learners secure intentionally vulnerable code. | skills | 2057 |
- beartype - real-time hybrid runtime-static type-checking in pure Python. | beartype | 2719 |
- hypergraphx - purpose, open-source Python library for higher-order network analysis | HGX-Team | 212 |
- reflex - dev | 19980 |
- pymoo - NSGA3, MOEAD, Genetic Algorithms (GA), Differential Evolution (DE), CMAES, PSO | anyoptimization | 2269 |
- PySR - Performance Symbolic Regression in Python and Julia | MilesCranmer | 2396 |
- hacktricks - wiki | 8970 |
- pmdarima - ml | 1588 |
- genv - ai | 488 |
- DADApy - based Analysis of DAta-manifolds in python | sissa-data-science | 106 |
- finetuner - oriented embedding tuning for BERT, CLIP, etc. | jina-ai | 1471 |
- dm_control - based simulation and Reinforcement Learning environments, using MuJoCo. | google-deepmind | 3798 |
- optax - deepmind | 1681 |
- nn-template - ai | 634 |
- napari - dimensional image viewer for python | napari | 2199 |
- graspologic - org | 808 |
- TorchSSL - based library for semi-supervised learning (NeurIPS'21) | TorchSSL | 1297 |
- pygraphistry - accelerated Graphistry visual graph analyzer | graphistry | 2158 |
- pytorch_connectomics - lin | 172 |
- xcp_d - processing of fMRIPrep, NiBabies, and HCP outputs | PennLINC | 77 |
- alphafold - deepmind | 12709 |
- dataprep - source low code data preparation library in python. Collect, clean and visualization your data in python with a few lines of code. | sfu-db | 2059 |
- gradio - app | 33630 |
- pymc - devs | 8702 |
- awesome-self-supervised-gnn - supervised learning on Graph Neural Networks (GNN). | ChandlerBang | 1584 |
- line_profiler - by-line profiling for Python | pyutils | 2726 |
- tree - deepmind | 938 |
- tf-quant-finance - performance TensorFlow library for quantitative finance. | google | 4541 |
- best-of-python-dev - tooling | 1035 |
- fiftyone - quality datasets and visual AI models | voxel51 | 8843 |
- clinica - lab | 224 |
- minGPT - implementation of the OpenAI GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) training | karpathy | 20080 |
- autosub - line utility to transcribe/translate from video/audio/subtitles to subtitles | BingLingGroup | 1986 |
- bsuite - designed experiments that investigate core capabilities of a reinforcement learning (RL) agent | google-deepmind | 1508 |
- forbiddenfruit - in python objects | clarete | 825 |
- arxiv-latex-cleaner - research | 5321 |
- quantum - Classical Machine Learning in TensorFlow | tensorflow | 1798 |
- katana - Automatic CTF Challenge Solver in Python3 | JohnHammond | 1271 |
- torchdiffeq - memory backpropagation. | rtqichen | 5560 |
- snakeviz - browser Python profile viewer | jiffyclub | 2351 |
- pyjanitor - devs | 1355 |
- colorama - platform colored terminal text in Python | tartley | 3556 |
- spaCy - strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python | explosion | 30087 |
- Detectron - CNN and RetinaNet. | facebookresearch | 26271 |
- hyperopt-sklearn - parameter optimization for sklearn | hyperopt | 1587 |
- NeMo - to-Speech) | NVIDIA | 12012 |
- python-tabulate - print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility. Repository migrated from | astanin | 2168 |
- biobert - trained biomedical language representation model for biomedical text mining | dmis-lab | 1940 |
- pprofile - granularity, thread-aware deterministic and statistic pure-python profiler | vpelletier | 447 |
- PySnooper - RR | 16392 |
- pytorch-lightning - AI | 28309 |
- lascar - Channel Analysis Repository | Ledger-Donjon | 376 |
- ModernRobotics - -- The primary purpose of the provided software is to be easy to read and educational, reinforcing the concepts in the book. The code is optimized neither for efficiency nor robustness. | NxRLab | 1959 |
- Scrapegraph-ai
- jupyter-book - quality books and documents from computational content. | jupyter-book | 3852 |
- pytket-docs
- quickemu - project | 10751 |
- nb
- perf-tools
- MICA-7t - MNI | 3 |
- polybar-themes
- distrobox
- smanage
- hald-clut
- docker-rollout
- bash3boilerplate
- slurm-for-ml
- vim-dirtytalk
- gpu_test
- TheWay
- spark
- docker-selfhosted-apps
- fzf-tab
- desk
- pure-sh-bible
- docker-apachewebdav
- winapps
- space - file dependency-free automation tool written in Bash | space-sh | 194 |
- aria2.conf
- vscodium
- mri_library
- neuroglia-helpers
- docker-webhook
- ctf-tools
- thc-tips-tricks-hacks-cheat-sheet
- prezto - ionescu | 13995 |
- diffusion-pipeline
- xcpEngine - D and ASLPrep. | PennLINC | 66 |
- hacker-laws
- tmux-config
- pi-hole - hole | 49050 |
- dotfiles
- holoviz - level tools to simplify visualization in Python. | holoviz | 844 |
- multiAtlasTT
- docker-desktops
- pure-bash-bible
- the-bread-code
- streisand
- openfmri
- jetbrains
- serverspeeder
- undistract-me - running terminal commands complete | jml | 540 |
- Command-line-text-processing
- Bash-Snippets
- pivpn
- YaHei-Consolas-Hybrid-1.12
- awesome-zsh-plugins
- awesome-home-assistant
- terminals-are-sexy
- papers-we-love - we-love | 87887 |
- bluefin - os | 1198 |
- wcurl
- docker-rollout
- ds005256
- git-extras - - repo summary, repl, changelog population, author commit percentages and more | tj | 17328 |
- oh-my-bash - driven framework for managing your bash configuration, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community. | ohmybash | 5971 |
- dream-han-cjk - CJK font families with enormous range of weights. | Pal3love | 846 |
- TheFrenchGhostys-Ultimate-YouTube-DL-Scripts-Collection - DL. | TheFrenchGhosty | 2303 |
- JetBrainsMono - source typeface for developers | JetBrains | 10952 |
- acme-companion - proxy | nginx-proxy | 7411 |
- bitpocket - way directory (r)sync with proper deletion" | ku1ik | 1029 |
- HCPpipelines - University | 541 |
- tmux-resurrect - plugins | 11328 |
- .tmux - contained, pretty & versatile tmux configuration made with ❤️ | gpakosz | 21999 |
- LinuxGSM - line tool for quick, simple deployment and management of Linux dedicated game servers. | GameServerManagers | 4306 |
- og-aws - guides | 35720 |
- doki-theme-jetbrains - theme | 645 |
- projector-client - related code for running Swing applications remotely | JetBrains | 806 |
- auto-dev - powered coding wizard(AI 驱动编程助手)with multilingual support 🌐, auto code generation 🏗️, and a helpful bug-slaying assistant 🐞! Customizable prompts 🎨 and a magic Auto Dev/Testing/Document/Agent feature 🧪 included! 🚀 | unit-mesh | 2794 |
- projector-server - side library for running Swing applications remotely | JetBrains | 1245 |
- Enzyme - performance automatic differentiation of LLVM and MLIR. | EnzymeAD | 1279 |
- lite
- clink-fzf
- neorg - neorg | 6452 |
- chat-censorship
- ComfyFactorio
- nmap-nse-scripts
- vulscan
- neural-style
- waifu2x - Resolution for Anime-Style Art | nagadomi | 27557 |
- wavestrapping - Lab | 1 |
- gcmi
- lambda_spectrum
- FasterMatchingIndex
- DevProps
- lightspeed
- CURBD - region data-constrained RNNs and perform Current-Based Decomposition (CURBD) | rajanlab | 49 |
- JuSpace - modal correlations between imaging data and positron emission tomography derived information | juryxy | 40 |
- BrainEigenmodes
- BrainSurfaceAnimation
- mri-simulator - nilsson | 50 |
- Weighted-SC-Networks - modal MRI processing pipeline | TardifLab | 6 |
- subcortex
- BrainEigenmodes_legacy
- hMRI-toolbox - group | 60 |
- CommonalityAnalysis
- cca_pls_toolkit
- nsdcode
- GLMsingle - trial estimates in fMRI time-series data | cvnlab | 99 |
- cocoabox
- plotSurfaceROIBoundary
- HOI - order information multiplets from data using the O-information | danielemarinazzo | 8 |
- BRAPH-2 - software | 33 |
- maps_and_parcs - department-of-psychiatry | 3 |
- hmm-tool - gu | 1 |
- dynet_toolbox - Tuning Optimized Kalman Filtering (STOK) + DyNet simulation + connectivity metrics | PscDavid | 12 |
- NBS_benchmarking
- python_julia_structural_behavioral_economics
- myPLS - PLS analysis for medical image processing | MIPLabCH | 15 |
- multiscale
- Simple-Brain-Plot - art brain plots. | dutchconnectomelab | 80 |
- HMM-MAR - analysis | 213 |
- neural-flows - modelling-group | 27 |
- MotionStructuralConnectivity
- qMRLab
- MSCcodebase
- optimviz
- micro-meso-macro-code - scale structures on communities in network science | sophiewharrie | 4 |
- topological_filtering_networks
- EchoState-GrangerCausality
- GenericObjectDecoding
- bids-starter-kit - kit has moved to the new BIDS website. | bids-standard | 262 |
- fmriflows - processing, univariate 1st and 2nd-level analysis, as well as multivariate pattern analysis. | miykael | 60 |
- encode - life | 38 |
- GRETNA - theoretical Network Analysis Toolkit in MATLAB | sandywang | 66 |
- coalescent_embedding - cybernetics | 14 |
- FishExplorer
- omniglot - shot learning | brendenlake | 1356 |
- tapas - Translational Algorithms for Psychiatry-Advancing Science | translationalneuromodeling | 217 |
- BrainGB - Special Issue on Geometric Deep Learning in Medical Imaging. | HennyJie | 178 |
- 2sDM - step diffusion maps designed for 3D fMRI time series | carricky | 8 |
- OpenFace - of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation. | TadasBaltrusaitis | 6932 |
- NBS_benchmarking
- pcs-toolbox
- NBS-Predict - based extension of network-based statistics. | eminSerin | 30 |
- wong-wang-2006 - decision making and working memory from Wong and Wang, J. Neuroscience, 2006 | xjwanglab | 5 |
- NoLiTiA - Weber | 9 |
- openai-cookbook
- deep-rl-class
- Prompt-Engineering-Guide - ai | 49779 |
- MuTE
- Histogram_of_Color_Advancements
- bean-matlab-toolkit
- simiam - based educational bridge between theory and practice in robotics. | jdelacroix | 103 |
- deep-photo-styletransfer
- OffensiveNim - | byt3bl33d3r | 2834 |
- Arraymancer
- torrentinim - footprint, self hosted API-only torrent search engine. Sonarr + Radarr Compatible, native support for Linux, Mac and Windows. | sergiotapia | 781 |
- semgrep
- slipshow - gen version of slides | panglesd | 654 |
- pyre-check - checking for python. | facebook | 6854 |
- coq - interactive development of machine-checked proofs. | coq | 4842 |
- AWSGoat - labs | 1730 |
- rss-bridge - Bridge | 7318 |
- 2019-wuhan-coronavirus-data - 19 / 2019-nCoV) | globalcitizen | 618 |
- SecLists
- zotprime - premise Zotero platform | FiligranHQ | 321 |
- Shaarli - fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo | shaarli | 3439 |
- grav - File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony | getgrav | 14559 |
- FreshRSS - hostable news aggregator… | FreshRSS | 9808 |
- stixfonts
- clusterflow
- EQGRP - auction-file.tar.xz | x0rz | 4102 |
- diff-so-fancy - lookin' diffs. Actually… nah… The best-lookin' diffs. :tada: | so-fancy | 17359 |
- stow - mirror of savannah git repository occasionally with more bleeding-edge branches | aspiers | 667 |
- CCStopper
- Win10-Initial-Setup-Script
- winutil - Install Programs, Tweaks, Fixes, and Updates | ChrisTitusTech | 23756 |
- Scoop - line installer for Windows. | ScoopInstaller | 21210 |
- Sophia-Script-for-Windows - tuning Windows 10 & Windows 11 | farag2 | 7716 |
- gganatogram
- glmpca
- Brain_GMT - related gene set (Brain.GMT) curation project | hagenaue | 5 |
- GeneOrthology
- ncf
- epimdr2
- epimdr
- FriendsDontLetFriends - What are they and why are they bad. | cxli233 | 6408 |
- stan-survival-model-workshop
- ThemePark
- awesome-computational-social-science
- twin-data-models - STUDY | 3 |
- insight
- PRIMs-Tutorial
- lisa
- parameters
- PheValuator
- roughnet - drawn-like networks with roughjs | schochastics | 83 |
- Lifespan - department-of-psychiatry | 32 |
- scico - Maps | thomasp85 | 414 |
- fasteR
- corrr
- cannonball
- crew
- neuRo-vis-BrainHack-2021
- layer
- stat_rethinking_2022
- MetBrewer
- parsnip
- ggHoriPlot - friendly, highly customizable R package for building horizon plots in ggplot2 | rivasiker | 143 |
- brainGraph
- perceptions
- awesome-r-dataviz
- ggsegExtra - package | ggseg | 50 |
- ggseg3d
- ggseg
- stat_rethinking_2020
- votemapswitzerland
- particles - force | thomasp85 | 119 |
- transformr
- hrbrthemes - centric ggplot2 themes and theme components | hrbrmstr | 1239 |
- ComplexHeatmap
- mcp
- r-color-palettes
- paletteer
- ggstatsplot
- Learn-R-by-Example
- ggpointdensity
- vapoRwave
- wesanderson
- smallvis
- muxViz
- Quantifying-Network-Structural-Dissimilarities
- stats337
- SeuratExtend
- awesome-network-analysis
- sf - spatial | 1339 |
- Lifespan
- sfdep
- spdgp
- goat
- stat_rethinking_2023 - Mar 2023 | rmcelreath | 2207 |
- brainconn - an R package for visualising brain connectivity data in 2D and interactive 3D | sidchop | 44 |
- Brain-Imaging-Transcriptomics-Scripts
- scplotter - cell sequencing data in an easy and efficient way. | pwwang | 94 |
- MonikaModDev - After-Story | 1195 |
- YouPlot - data-tools | 4204 |
- FxLifeSheet
- awesome-chinese-podcasts
- devdocs
- um
- tmuxinator
- Learning-SICP
- loomio
- quine-relay
- jekyll - aware static site generator in Ruby | jekyll | 49173 |
- metasploit-framework
- mastodon - hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community | mastodon | 47047 |
- gollum - powered wiki with a local frontend and support for many kinds of markup and content. | gollum | 13827 |
- lobsters - focused community centered around link aggregation and discussion | lobsters | 4089 |
- - judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project | github | 3690 |
- getunblah
- Firefox-UI-Fix
- just-the-docs - in search. | just-the-docs | 7574 |
- MoreToggles.css - looking toggles | JNKKKK | 673 |
- docker-curriculum
- slate
- code-guide
- mdb-ui-kit
- Journal-Response-Letter-Template
- weird
- wost-simple
- censorbib
- awesome-deep-learning-papers
- openmlsys-zh - Chinese Version | openmlsys | 4064 |
- mtheme
- NeuralNetworksCogSciBook
- awesome-tnns - tnns | 171 |
- grambank
- ml-pen-and-paper-exercises
- ElegantBook
- ElegantPaper
- gov2002-book
- auriga
- LaPreprint
- stat-cookbook
- pandoc-latex-template
- TidyverseSkeptic
- nsf-proposal-latex
- annotated_latex_equations
- stacks-project
- tensorflow-internals - liu | 2898 |
- showyourwork
- ega
- napkin
- coloria - dev | 385 |
- pydra-tutorial
- PlotNeuralNet
- NRLPapers - read papers on network representation learning (NRL) / network embedding (NE) | thunlp | 2524 |
- talk-2018-deep-learning-rebooted
- vipassana-for-hackers
- ElegantNote
- sofp
- OpenLogic - source, customizable intermediate logic textbook | OpenLogicProject | 1063 |
- GoedelGod
- Deedy-Resume
- Lambda-Calculus
- deeplearningbook-chinese
- acm-cheat-sheet
- latex-template-collection
- Awesome-CV
- homotopy-type-theory-course
- byrne-euclid
- latex-beamerposter
- The-Julia-Express
- tcs
- cphb
- prob-stats - based introduction. An open-access book. | bob-carpenter | 306 |
- neural-fingerprint
- beamer-snippets
- ML-tutorial
- amr-tutorial
- aata
- advanced_fMRI_course - 2017) | Remi-Gau | 45 |
- jupyter-edu-book
- conv_arithmetic
- reproducibility-neur-602
- LaTeX-Graph-Paper
- computational-neuroscience - neuron models, ion channel models, basic neural networks, and neural decoding. | ContextLab | 46 |
- EC-Bestiary - based algorithms | fcampelo | 601 |
- gt-nlp-class
- xjtuthesis-x
- milewski-ctfp-pdf
- os01 - learner. | tuhdo | 11969 |
- MT-Reading-List - MT | 2426 |
- moonmath-manual - SNARKs, from beginners to experts. | LeastAuthority | 508 |
- state-of-open-source-ai - paced mess of Open Source innovation | premAI-io | 1521 |
- WebLaTex - sen | 1030 |
- firamath - serif font with Unicode math support | firamath | 450 |
Vim script
📝 License
- open-source-rover - it-yourself, 6-wheel rover based on the rovers on Mars! | nasa-jpl | 8589 |
- grocy - Grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home | grocy | 6831 |
- Instrumenta - style Powerpoint toolbar | iappyx | 267 |
- PPspliT - in that splits slides according to slideshow-time animation effects | maxonthegit | 303 |
Vim Script
- scripting_course - liners, Scripting Languages and Vim. | learnbyexample | 1379 |
- vim-sneak
- vim-galore-zh_cn
Visual Basic
Visual Basic .NET
- MegSpot
- chatgpt-web-share
- nirv - report-viewer | 5 |
- wiki
- i-hate-regex - The Regex Cheat Sheet | geongeorge | 4498 |
- gitstars - hi | 1160 |
- web-main - gen | 424 |
- data
- LOLBAS - (LOLBins and LOLScripts) | LOLBAS-Project | 7039 |
- boardgame-research
- MAKRO - DK | 1023 |
- gap - Groups, Algorithms, Programming, a System for Computational Discrete Algebra | gap-system | 810 |
- red - generation programming language strongly inspired by Rebol, but with a broader field of usage thanks to its native-code compiler, from system programming to high-level scripting and cross-platform reactive GUI, while providing modern support for concurrency, all in a zero-install, zero-config, single ~1MB file! | red | 5538 |
- lean-matrix-cookbook - wieser | 84 |
- SciLean
- pyzx - calculus | zxcalc | 383 |
- qiskit-metapackage - source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of circuits, algorithms, and application modules. | Qiskit | 3028 |
- silq - lang | 612 |
- pov25 - Ray | susam | 156 |
- tiny-gpu - maj | 7055 |
- lets-prove-leftpad - dozen different ways | hwayne | 647 |
- blockchain-demo - based demonstration of blockchain concepts. | anders94 | 5218 |
- nextflow - driven computational pipelines | nextflow-io | 2745 |
- bfg-repo-cleaner - filter-branch does, but faster. And written in Scala | rtyley | 11118 |
- enso - service data prep and analysis platform designed for data teams. | enso-org | 7364 |
Programming Languages
Jupyter Notebook
Emacs Lisp
Common Lisp
Vim Script
Vim script
Visual Basic
Visual Basic .NET
📝 License
Sub Categories